curl "" \
    --header "X-AppSecretToken: demo" \
    --header "X-AgreementGrantToken: demo" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" 

Add these three headers to your requests.

Header Value What is this?
X-AppSecretToken YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN This identifies your app. This is your secret token. Try using the value demo.
X-AgreementGrantToken YOUR_AGREEMENT_GRANT_TOKEN This identifies the grant issued by an agreement, to allow your app to access their data. Try using the value demo.
Content-Type application/json This tells us that you agree with us on using JSON.

Issue a GET to and see what is returned.

Next try fetching and see what resources are available.

To get started with your own data you should head over to our Developer portal and get hold of a free developer agreement.

Happy coding!


Welcome to the Reviso REST API Documentation!

The Reviso API is a document based JSON REST API. We have tried to make it human-readable and approachable for developers with limited understanding of the inner workings of Reviso.

Learn the basics of working with the API in our Getting started guide.

For more in-depth information about Reviso in general please look at our Online Help.

Demo authentication

If you wish to try out the API before registering a developer agreement, you can do this using a special demo agreement. There are two ways of doing that.

Via query string

The first way is really easy. Just append the query string ?demo=true to your request URL. You only need to this on the first request, then all links in the API will have that query string appended. All 401 Not Authorized responses also include a demo link to that exact resource. This allows for easy browsing of the API when discovering what is available.


Via headers

The second way is one that allows for an easy "hello world" application. This mimics the authentication flow you will have to use when you create your own app. Just specify HTTP header tokens X-AgreementGrantToken: demo and X-AppSecretToken: demo. That way you can create an application and connect just as you would if you had a real integration. But without the need to register.

Meta stuff

All resources and collections have a property "self" which value is a unique URL that represents that exact resource or collection. The self link for a collection will also contain any pagination, filtering or sorting applied.

Collections vs. Resources

The Reviso REST Api is a json document based API, that consists of a number of resources and collections of resources. Collections are named after the type of resource that can be found in the collection, and then pluralized. For example a collection of customers is called just that:

Each resource in the collection will contain a self link, that is made up of the collection self link with the resource identifier appended. So customer #20 will have the following self link;


All errors returned has the same format.

The format is as described:

    "message": "Some error occured",
    "developerHint": "More thorough help regarding the error",
    "errorCode": "A_V_45",
    "errors": [
            "message": "Some sub error occured",
            "developerHint": "More thorough help regarding the sub error",
            "errorCode": "A_V_43",
            "message": "Some other sub error occured",
            "developerHint": "More thorough help regarding the other sub error",
            "errorCode": "A_V_44",

For instance creating a supplier with missing data:

    "developerHint": "Check your request against the schema.",
    "errorCode": "E00500",
    "errors": [
            "errorCode": "E00500",
            "message": "Required properties are missing from object: currency, supplierGroup, name, paymentTerms, vatZone. Line 1, position 1."
    "httpStatusCode": 400,
    "message": "Schema validation failed."

A specific error consists of the following information or a subset there of:

Property Description
errorCode The error code assosiated with this particular error
message A text describing the error
errors Sub errors
additionalData Contains information such as input
developerHint A message to developers to try to help them resolve the issue


Currently we offer no versioning of the API. Some endpoints will be stable and others will be experimental. This is displayed directly on the home resource of the API. As endpoints move out of their experimental mode and become stable, we'll update the home resource to reflect this.

Later on, as our API evolves, we might find it necessary to add versioning. But calling directly on the root of the API will always provide you with the latest API version.

Encoding and Decoding of Ids in URLs

The api supports the following encoding of specific characters in URL parameters (route parameters).

It is not possible to escape characters in a query string parameter using the values below.

Thus, to retrieve the product with number "ABC 2/3" would be


We use pagination on our collections. If nothing else is specified the collection endpoints will return 20 resources. URL parameters will allow you to increase this to 1.000 resources and to skip pages if necessary. Each endpoint offers convenient links to navigate through the pagination. The examples below is what you would get on a resource with 40 entries.

First page

Next page

Last page


Filtering is enabled on all collection endpoints but not on all properties.

Filtering on collections can be done using the query string parameter filter. A filter is made up of a set of predicates, and follows a syntax inspired by mongoDB. A predicate is made up of a property name, an operator and a value.

Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe

This matches all resources with the value Joe in the property name.

Predicates can be chained using either of the logical operators AND and OR.

Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:city$like:*port

Filtering on strings is case insensitive.

Specifying Operator affinity

If you want to control the operator affinity then you can use parentheses.

An example is: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:(city$like:*port$or:age$lt:40)

Filter Operators

The allowed filtering operators are:

Operator Syntax
Equals "$eq:"
Not equals "$ne:"
Greater than "$gt:"
Greater than or equal "$gte:"
Less than "$lt:"
Less than or equal "$lte:"
Substring match "$like:"
And also "$and:"
Or else "$or:"
In "$in:"
Not In "$nin:"

Substring matching

The $like: filter supports both using wildcards (*) and not using wildcards. If no wildcards are used, the expression is considered a contains expression and effectively becomes a filter with a wildcard at the start of the string and one at the end of the string.

Escaping special characters in your filter

In order to not interfere with the parsing of the filter expression, certain escape sequences are necessary.

Using null values in your filter

Should you want to filter for the non existence of a property (i.e. null value) you can use the null escape sequence.


Using in and not in operators

To determine whether a specified value matches any value in (or not in) a list you filter using the $in: or $nin: operator. The list to filter by has to be inclosed in brackets and values seperated by commas.


We only allow in and not in operators on numeric properties. So it is not possible to use on string properties. It is possible to also use the $null: keyword if you wish to include that in the filter.

Information about what properties allow filtering can be found in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows filtering has the property "filterable": true set. If you try to sort on something that isn't allowed the server will respond with a status code 400.


Sorting on strings is case insensitive.

Sort ascending

Sorting on collections can be done using the query string parameter 'sort'.


Sort descending

The default sort direction is ascending, but this can be turned by prepending a minus (-).


Sort by multiple properties

If you need to sort by multiple properties these can just be separated by commas. Mixing of directions is allowed.


Sort alphabetically

In certain cases you might want to enforce that even numeric values are sorted alphabetically, so 1000 is less than 30. In those cases you can prepend the sort property with a tilde (~).


Information about what properties are sortable can be found in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows sorting has the property "sortable": true set. The property the collection is sorted by by default has the property defaultSorting set to either ascending or descending.

HTTP Status Codes

The REST API returns these HTTP status codes.

Code Text Description
200 OK Everything is OK
201 Created When you create resources, this is what you get. This will be accompanied by the created resource in the body and a location header with a link to the created resource.
204 No Content In certain cases there is nothing to return. So we will let you know by returning a 204.
400 Bad Request The request you made was somehow malformed. A malformed request could be failed validation on creation or updating. If you try to filter on something that isn't filterable this is also what you'll see. Whenever possible we will also try to include a developer hint to help you get around this issue.
401 Unauthorized The credentials you supplied us with weren't correct, or perhaps you forgot them all together. If an agreement has revoked the grant they gave your app, this is what you will see.
403 Forbidden You won't necessarily have access to everything. So even though you were authorized we might still deny access to certain resources. This depends on the roles asked for when the grant was issued.
404 Not Found This is returned when you try to request something that doesn't exist. This could be a resource that has been deleted or just a url you tried to hack. If you see a lot of these, it could be an indication that you aren't using the links provided by the API. You should never need to concatenate any urls. The API should provide you with the links needed.
405 Method Not Allowed Not all endpoints support all http methods. If you try issue a PUT request to a collection resource this is what you get.
415 Unsupported Media Type Our API is a JSON api. If you ask us to give you anything else, we give you this, and tell you why in the JSON body of the response.
500 Internal Server Error We don't like to see these, and they are flagged in our logs. When you see this, something went wrong on our end. Either try again, or contact our support.
501 Not Implemented The API is still evolving, and sometimes our resources will link to stuff that we haven't implemented yet.


This section contains documentation of all our public endpoints. Our home resource lists our endpoints as either stable, experimental or deprecated. In this documentation we will also flag endpoints that are either experimental and deprecated.

Please note that we might have endpoints listed on our home resource that we have not added documentation for yet.

Account Categories

Get Account Categories

GET /account-categories

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
accountCategoryNumber integer Category number identifier.
accountCategoryType object BalanceSheet, ProfitAndLoss Category type.
description string English description of the category.
parent object Reference to the parent Category, if any.
parent.accountCategoryNumber integer Category number identifier.
useInvertedAccountCategory boolean Whether or not the category has an inverted account category.

Get specific Account Categories

GET /account-categories/:categoryNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
accountCategoryNumber integer Category number identifier.
accountCategoryType object BalanceSheet, ProfitAndLoss Category type.
description string English description of the category.
parent object Reference to the parent Category, if any.
parent.accountCategoryNumber integer Category number identifier.
useInvertedAccountCategory boolean Whether or not the category has an inverted account category.

Accounting Years

Accounting years define time spans for when your financial events take place. An accounting year can span anywhere from 6 to 18 months depending on when in your company life it is placed.

For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get all Accounting Years

GET /accounting-years

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
closed boolean Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement, it must be the date immediately following the previous accounting year, and thus must be the first day of a month. The first accounting year on an agreement can begin on any day of the month.
periods string uri A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement.
self string uri A unique link reference to the accounting year item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months.
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency.
vouchers string uri A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year.
year string The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY.

Get specific Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
closed boolean If true this indicates that the accounting year is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement, it must be the date immediately following the previous accounting year, and thus must be the first day of a month. The first accounting year on an agreement can begin on any day of the month.
periods string uri A link to the collection of accounting year periods in the accounting year.
self string uri A unique link reference to the accounting year item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months.
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency.
vouchers string uri A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year. This requires that international ledger is enabled.
year string The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY.

Create Accounting Year

POST /accounting-years

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

fromDate, toDate


Name Type Format Description
closed boolean Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions.
entries object A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement, it must be the date immediately following the previous accounting year, and thus must be the first day of a month. The first accounting year on an agreement can begin on any day of the month.
periods object A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement.
toDate string full-date The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months.
totals object A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency.
vouchers object A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year.
year string The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY.

Delete Accounting Year

DELETE /accounting-years/:accountingYear

Get Entries in Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/entries

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

currency, date

Sortable properties

currency, date


Name Type Format Max length Min value Values Description
account object The account the entry is connected to.
account.accountNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry.
date string full-date Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
departmentalDistribution object A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.self string uri A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource.
entryNumber integer The unique identifier of the entry line.
entryType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of entry.
project object A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled.
project.projectNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the project.
project.self string uri A unique reference to the project resource.
self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year entries resource.
text string 255 A short description about the entry.
vatAccount object The account for VAT.
vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
voucherNumber integer The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to.

Get Totals for Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/totals

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
account object The account used.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
self string uri A unique reference to the account accounting year totals resource.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
totalInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year.

Get Periods in Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
accountingYear object The accounting year the period is part of.
accountingYear.self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year resource.
accountingYear.year string 10 A unique identifier of the accounting year.
closed boolean If true this indicates that the accounting period is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
periodNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the period.
self string uri A unique link reference to the period item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency.

Get specific Period in Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
accountingYear object The accounting year the period is part of.
accountingYear.self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year resource.
accountingYear.year string 4 A unique identifier of the accounting year.
closed boolean If true this indicates that the accounting period is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
periodNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the period.
self string uri A unique link reference to the period item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency.

Get Entries in Period

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/entries

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

currency, date

Sortable properties

currency, date


Name Type Format Max length Min value Values Description
account object The account the entry is connected to.
account.accountNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution the entry is connected to.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.self string uri A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource.
entryNumber integer The unique identifier of the entry line.
entryType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of entry.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this entry.
pdf.self string uri The unique reference of the pdf representation for this entry.
project object The project the entry is connected to.
project.projectNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the project.
project.self string uri A unique reference to the project resource.
self string uri A unique reference to the entry resource.
text string 255 A short description about the entry.
vatAccount object The account for VAT.
vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
voucherNumber integer The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to.

Get Totals for Period

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/totals

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
account object A reference to the account totaled.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
self string uri A unique reference to the totals resource.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
totalInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year period.

Get all Vouchers in Accounting year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

date, lines.amount, lines.supplier.supplierNumber, voucherType

Filterable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType

Sortable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Min value Values Description
attachment string uri A unique link reference to the attachment resource for this voucher item.
booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
date string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is part of the unique identifier of a voucher. The other part of the unique identifier is the voucherId.
dueDate string full-date The date the voucher is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
lines array An array containing the specific voucher lines.
lines.accruals object This is used to divide payments into equal sizes over a certain period of time.
lines.accruals.account object The account used by the accruals.
lines.accruals.account.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.accruals.account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.accruals.endDate string full-date Accruals end date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.accruals.self string uri A unique link reference to the accruals item.
lines.accruals.startDate string full-date Accruals start date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.amount number The amount on the invoice line.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number If you use base currency this must be the same as amount or not specified at all.
lines.booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
lines.contraAccount object The contra account.
lines.contraAccount.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.contraAccount.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status The contra account must be of either ProfitAndLoss or Status type.
lines.contraAccount.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.contraVatAccount object The contra account for VAT.
lines.contraVatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item.
lines.contraVatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the contra vat account.
lines.contraVatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account.
lines.contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account in base currency.
lines.currency string 3 The currency the invoice is specified in.
lines.department object A reference to the department that this voucher is credited to.
lines.department.departmentNumber integer The unique identifier of the department.
lines.department.self string uri A unique link reference to the department item.
lines.departmentalDistribution object A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled.
lines.departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
lines.departmentalDistribution.self string uri A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource.
lines.document string uri The unique reference to the file.
lines.entryNumber integer True The unique identifier of the invoice line.
lines.exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency.
lines.remittanceInformation object
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorId string 50 This could be the IBAN/SWIFT no, bank account no, bankgiro no or postgiro no depending on the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorInvoiceId string 30 The OCR or message sent together with the creditorId.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType object The payment type used.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.self string uri A unique link reference to the paymentType item.
lines.remittanceInformation.self string uri A unique link reference to the remittanceInformation item.
lines.supplier object The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods.
lines.supplier.self string uri A unique self reference of the supplier.
lines.supplier.supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
lines.supplierInvoiceNumber string The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier.
lines.text string 250 The text on the voucher line.
lines.vatAccount object The account for VAT.
lines.vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
lines.vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
lines.vatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher. Used if the line has a VAT account.
lines.vatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency.
numberSeries object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique identifier of the number series.
numberSeries.self string uri A unique link reference to the number series item.
remainder number True Remaining amount to be paid.
remainderInDefaultCurrency number True Remaining amount to be paid in default currency.
self string uri A unique link reference to the voucher item.
voucherId number True Part of the unique identifier of a voucher. The other part of the unique identifier is the date.
voucherNumber object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string True This is a concatenation of the prefix and voucherNumber.
voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix.
voucherNumber.voucherNumber number The number of the voucher.
voucherType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of voucher. Must be SupplierInvoice.

Get specific Voucher in Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers/:voucherId

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

date, lines.amount, lines.supplier.supplierNumber, numberSeries, voucherNumber, voucherType

Filterable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType

Sortable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Values Description
attachment string uri A unique link reference to the attachment resource for this voucher item.
booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
date string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
dueDate string full-date The date the voucher is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
lines array An array containing the specific voucher lines.
lines.accruals object This is used to divide payments into equal sizes over a certain period of time.
lines.accruals.account object The account used by the accruals.
lines.accruals.account.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.accruals.account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.accruals.endDate string full-date Accruals end date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.accruals.self string uri A unique link reference to the accruals item.
lines.accruals.startDate string full-date Accruals start date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.amount number The amount on the invoice line.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number If you use base currency this must be the same as amount or not specified at all.
lines.booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
lines.contraAccount object The contra account.
lines.contraAccount.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.contraAccount.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status The contra account must be of either ProfitAndLoss or Status type.
lines.contraAccount.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.contraVatAccount object The contra account for VAT.
lines.contraVatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item.
lines.contraVatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the contra vat account.
lines.contraVatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account.
lines.contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account in base currency.
lines.currency string 3 The currency the invoice is specified in.
lines.department object A reference to the department that this voucher will be connected with.
lines.department.departmentNumber integer The unique identifier of the department.
lines.department.self string uri A unique link reference to the department item.
lines.document string uri The unique reference to the file.
lines.entryNumber integer True The unique identifier of the invoice line.
lines.exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency.
lines.remittanceInformation object
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorId string 50 This could be the IBAN/SWIFT no, bank account no, bankgiro no or postgiro no depending on the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorInvoiceId string 30 The OCR or message sent together with the creditorId.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType object The payment type used.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.self string uri A unique link reference to the paymentType item.
lines.remittanceInformation.self string uri A unique link reference to the remittanceInformation item.
lines.supplier object The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods.
lines.supplier.self string uri A unique self reference of the supplier.
lines.supplier.supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
lines.supplierInvoiceNumber string The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier.
lines.text string 250 The text on the voucher line.
lines.vatAccount object The account for VAT.
lines.vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
lines.vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
lines.vatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher. Used if the line has a VAT account.
lines.vatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency.
numberSeries object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique identifier of the number series.
numberSeries.self string uri A unique link reference to the number series item.
remainder number True Remaining amount to be paid.
remainderInDefaultCurrency number True Remaining amount to be paid in default currency.
self string uri A unique link reference to the voucher item.
voucherId number True Part of the unique identifier of a voucher.
voucherNumber object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string True This is a concatenation of the prefix and voucherNumber.
voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix.
voucherNumber.voucherNumber number The number of the voucher.
voucherType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of voucher. Must be SupplierInvoice.

Get Voucher by date and Accounting Year

GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers/:voucherId/:date

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

date, lines.amount, lines.supplier.supplierNumber, numberSeries, voucherNumber, voucherType

Filterable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType

Sortable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Values Description
attachment string uri A unique link reference to the attachment resource for this voucher item.
booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
date string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
dueDate string full-date The date the voucher is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
lines array An array containing the specific voucher lines.
lines.accruals object This is used to divide payments into equal sizes over a certain period of time.
lines.accruals.account object The account used by the accruals.
lines.accruals.account.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.accruals.account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.accruals.endDate string full-date Accruals end date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.accruals.self string uri A unique link reference to the accruals item.
lines.accruals.startDate string full-date Accruals start date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.amount number The amount on the invoice line.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number If you use base currency this must be the same as amount or not specified at all.
lines.booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
lines.contraAccount object The contra account.
lines.contraAccount.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.contraAccount.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status The contra account must be of either ProfitAndLoss or Status type.
lines.contraAccount.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.contraVatAccount object The contra account for VAT.
lines.contraVatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item.
lines.contraVatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the contra vat account.
lines.contraVatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account.
lines.contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account in base currency.
lines.currency string 3 The currency the invoice is specified in.
lines.department object A reference to the department that this voucher will be connected with.
lines.department.departmentNumber integer The unique identifier of the department.
lines.department.self string uri A unique link reference to the department item.
lines.document string uri The unique reference to the file.
lines.entryNumber integer True The unique identifier of the invoice line.
lines.exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency.
lines.remittanceInformation object
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorId string 50 This could be the IBAN/SWIFT no, bank account no, bankgiro no or postgiro no depending on the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorInvoiceId string 30 The OCR or message sent together with the creditorId.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType object The payment type used.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.self string uri A unique link reference to the paymentType item.
lines.remittanceInformation.self string uri A unique link reference to the remittanceInformation item.
lines.supplier object The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods.
lines.supplier.self string uri A unique self reference of the supplier.
lines.supplier.supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
lines.supplierInvoiceNumber string The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier.
lines.text string 250 The text on the voucher line.
lines.vatAccount object The account for VAT.
lines.vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
lines.vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
lines.vatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher. Used if the line has a VAT account.
lines.vatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency.
numberSeries object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique identifier of the number series.
numberSeries.self string uri A unique link reference to the number series item.
remainder number True Remaining amount to be paid.
remainderInDefaultCurrency number True Remaining amount to be paid in default currency.
self string uri A unique link reference to the voucher item.
voucherId number True Part of the unique identifier of a voucher.
voucherNumber object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string True This is a concatenation of the prefix and voucherNumber.
voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix.
voucherNumber.voucherNumber number The number of the voucher.
voucherType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of voucher. Must be SupplierInvoice.


Accounts are the records in the general ledger where companies record the monetary transactions.

Get all Accounts

GET /accounts

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

accountNumber, accountType, balance, barred, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name

Sortable properties

accountNumber, accountType, balance, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name

Default sorting

accountNumber : ascending


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
accountCategory object The category of each account.
accountCategory.accountCategoryNumber integer The unique account category number.
accountCategory.useInvertedAccountCategory boolean Allows the account category to change automatically.
accountingYears string uri A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable.
accountNumber integer The account's number.
accountsSummed array An array of the account intervals used for calculating the total for this account.
accountsSummed.fromAccount object The first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.fromAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.fromAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount object The last account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the last account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the last account in the interval.
accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status, totalFrom, heading, headingStart, sumInterval, sumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
balance number The current balanace of the account.
barred boolean Shows if the account is barred from being used.
blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
contraAccount object The default contra account of the account.
contraAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the contra account.
contraAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the contra account.
debitCredit Enum debit, credit Describes the default update type of the account.
draftBalance number The current balance of the account including draft (not yet booked) entries.
name string 125 The name of the account.
self string uri A unique reference to the account ressource.
totalFromAccount object The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated.
totalFromAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the first account.
totalFromAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the first account.
vatAccount object The default VAT code for this account.
vatAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the VAT code.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The VAT code of the VAT account for this account.

Get specific Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

accountNumber, accountType, balance, barred, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name

Sortable properties

accountNumber, accountType, balance, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
accountCategory object The category for this account.
accountCategory.accountCategoryNumber integer The unique account category number.
accountCategory.useInvertedAccountCategory boolean Allows the account category to change automatically.
accountingYears string uri A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable.
accountNumber integer The account's number.
accountsSummed array An array of the account intervals used for calculating the total for this account.
accountsSummed.fromAccount object The first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.fromAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.fromAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the first account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount object The last account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the last account in the interval.
accountsSummed.toAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the last account in the interval.
accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status, totalFrom, heading, headingStart, sumInterval, sumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
balance number The current balanace of the account.
barred boolean Shows if the account is barred from being used.
blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
contraAccount object The default contra account of the account.
contraAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the contra account.
contraAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the contra account.
debitCredit Enum debit, credit Describes the default update type of the account.
draftBalance number The current balance of the account including draft (not yet booked) entries.
name string 125 The name of the account.
self string uri A unique reference to the account ressource.
totalFromAccount object The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated.
totalFromAccount.accountNumber integer Account number of the first account.
totalFromAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the first account.
vatAccount object The default VAT code for this account.
vatAccount.self string uri The unique self link of the VAT code.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The VAT code of the VAT account for this account.

Create Account

POST /accounts

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
accountCategory object The category of the account.
accountingYears object A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable.
accountNumber integer The number of the account
accountType object ProfitAndLoss, Status, TotalFrom, Heading, HeadingStart, SumInterval, SumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
barred boolean Used to bar the account from being used - default is false.
blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
contraAccount object The default contra account of the account.
debitCredit object Debit, Credit Describes the default update type of the account.
department object Department associated with the account.
departmentalDistribution object Departmental distribution, used to split on more than one department.
displayNumber string String representation of the Account number, for display and sorting purposes.
openingAccount object The associted opening account.
requireDepartmentalDistributionOnEntries boolean Whether or not the departmental distribution is required on entries.
totalFromAccount object The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated.
vatAccount object The default VAT code for this account.

Update Account

PUT /accounts/:accountNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
accountCategory object The category of the account.
accountingYears object A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable.
accountNumber integer The number of the account
accountType object ProfitAndLoss, Status, TotalFrom, Heading, HeadingStart, SumInterval, SumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
barred boolean Used to bar the account from being used - default is false.
blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
contraAccount object The default contra account of the account.
debitCredit object Debit, Credit Describes the default update type of the account.
department object Department associated with the account.
departmentalDistribution object Departmental distribution, used to split on more than one department.
displayNumber string String representation of the Account number, for display and sorting purposes.
openingAccount object The associted opening account.
requireDepartmentalDistributionOnEntries boolean Whether or not the departmental distribution is required on entries.
totalFromAccount object The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated.
vatAccount object The default VAT code for this account.

Delete Account

DELETE /accounts/:accountNumber

Get all Accounting Years for Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
closed boolean Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the accounting year formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). Except for the first accounting year on an agreement, it must be the date immediately following the previous accounting year, and thus must be the first day of a month. The first accounting year on an agreement can begin on any day of the month.
periods string uri A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement.
self string uri A unique link reference to the accounting year item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the accounting year formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months.
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency.
vouchers string uri A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year.
year string The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).

Get specific Accounting Year

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate, year

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
closed boolean Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). Except for the first accounting year on an agreement, it must be the date immediately following the previous accounting year, and thus must be the first day of a month. The first accounting year on an agreement can begin on any day of the month.
periods string uri A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement.
self string uri A unique link reference to the accounting year item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months.
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency.
vouchers string uri A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year.
year string The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).

Get Entries on Account in Accounting Year

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/entries

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

currency, date

Sortable properties

currency, date


Name Type Format Max length Min value Values Description
account object The account the entry is connected to.
account.accountNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution the entry is connected to.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.self string uri A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource.
entryNumber integer The unique identifier of the entry line.
entryType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of entry.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this entry.
pdf.self string uri The unique reference of the pdf representation for this entry.
project object The project the entry is connected to.
project.projectNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the project.
project.self string uri A unique reference to the project resource.
self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year entries resource.
text string 255 A short description about the entry.
vatAccount object The account for VAT.
vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
voucherNumber integer The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to.

Get Totals for Account in Accounting Year

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/totals

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
account object The account used.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
totalInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year.

Get Vouchers on Account in Accounting Year

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

date, lines.amount, lines.supplier.supplierNumber, numberSeries, voucherType

Filterable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType

Sortable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Values Description
booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
date string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
dueDate string full-date The date the voucher is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
lines array An array containing the specific voucher lines.
lines.accruals object This is used to divide payments into equal sizes over a certain period of time.
lines.accruals.account object The account used by the accruals.
lines.accruals.account.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.accruals.account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.accruals.endDate string full-date Accruals end date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.accruals.self string uri A unique link reference to the accruals item.
lines.accruals.startDate string full-date Accruals start date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
lines.amount number The amount on the invoice line.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number If you use base currency this must be the same as amount or not specified at all.
lines.booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
lines.contraAccount object The contra account.
lines.contraAccount.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.contraAccount.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status The contra account must be of either ProfitAndLoss or Status type.
lines.contraAccount.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.contraVatAccount object The contra account for VAT.
lines.contraVatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item.
lines.contraVatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the contra vat account.
lines.contraVatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account.
lines.contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account in base currency.
lines.currency string 3 The currency the invoice is specified in.
lines.department object A reference to the department that this voucher will be connected with.
lines.department.departmentNumber integer The unique identifier of the department.
lines.department.self string uri A unique link reference to the department item.
lines.document string uri The unique reference to the file.
lines.entryNumber integer True The unique identifier of the invoice line.
lines.exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency.
lines.remittanceInformation object
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorId string 50 This could be the IBAN/SWIFT no, bank account no, bankgiro no or postgiro no depending on the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorInvoiceId string 30 The OCR or message sent together with the creditorId.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType object The payment type used.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.self string uri A unique link reference to the paymentType item.
lines.remittanceInformation.self string uri A unique link reference to the remittanceInformation item.
lines.supplier object The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods.
lines.supplier.self string uri A unique self reference of the supplier.
lines.supplier.supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
lines.supplierInvoiceNumber string The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier.
lines.text string 250 The text on the voucher line.
lines.vatAccount object The account for VAT.
lines.vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
lines.vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
lines.vatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher. Used if the line has a VAT account.
lines.vatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency.
numberSeries object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique identifier of the number series.
numberSeries.self string uri A unique link reference to the number series item.
remainder number True Remaining amount to be paid.
remainderInDefaultCurrency number True Remaining amount to be paid in default currency.
self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year vouchers resource.
voucherType Enum supplierInvoice The type of voucher. Must be SupplierInvoice.

Get Periods for Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
accountingYear object The accounting year the period is part of.
accountingYear.self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year resource.
accountingYear.year string 4 A unique identifier of the accounting year.
closed boolean Determines if the period is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
periodNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the period.
self string uri A unique link reference to the period item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency.

Get specific Period for Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

closed, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
accountingYear object The accounting year the period is part of.
accountingYear.self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year resource.
accountingYear.year string 4 A unique identifier of the accounting year.
closed boolean Determines if the period is closed for further transactions.
entries string uri A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
periodNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the period.
self string uri A unique link reference to the period item.
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
totals string uri A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency.

Get Entries on Account in specific Period

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/entries

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

currency, date

Sortable properties

currency, date


Name Type Format Max length Min value Values Description
account object The account the entry is connected to.
account.accountNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution the entry is connected to.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.self string uri A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource.
entryNumber integer The unique identifier of the entry line.
entryType Enum customerInvoice, customerPayment, supplierInvoice, supplierPayment, financeVoucher, reminder, openingEntry, transferredOpeningEntry, systemEntry, manualDebtorInvoice The type of entry.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this entry.
pdf.self string uri The unique reference of the pdf representation for this entry.
project object The project the entry is connected to.
project.projectNumber integer 1 A unique identifier of the project.
project.self string uri A unique reference to the project resource.
self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year period entries resource.
text string 255 A short description about the entry.
vatAccount object The account for VAT.
vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
voucherNumber integer The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to.

Get Period Totals for Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/totals

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, fromDate, toDate

Default sorting

fromDate : ascending


Name Type Format Description
account object The account used.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
fromDate string full-date The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
toDate string full-date The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
totalInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year period.

Get Vouchers on Account in specific Period

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/vouchers

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

date, lines.amount, lines.supplier.supplierNumber, numberSeries, voucherType

Filterable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType

Sortable properties

lines.accruals.account.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountNumber, lines.contraAccount.accountType


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Values Description
booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
date string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
dueDate string full-date The date the voucher is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
lines array An array containing the specific voucher lines.
lines.accruals object This is used to divide payments into equal sizes over a certain period of time.
lines.accruals.account object The account used by the accruals.
lines.accruals.account.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.accruals.account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.accruals.endDate string full-date Accruals end date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
lines.accruals.self string uri A unique link reference to the accruals item.
lines.accruals.startDate string full-date Accruals start date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
lines.amount number The amount on the invoice line.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number If you use base currency this must be the same as amount or not specified at all.
lines.booked boolean True Is this voucher booked or not.
lines.contraAccount object The contra account.
lines.contraAccount.accountNumber integer The account number.
lines.contraAccount.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status The contra account must be of either ProfitAndLoss or Status type.
lines.contraAccount.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
lines.contraVatAccount object The contra account for VAT.
lines.contraVatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item.
lines.contraVatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the contra vat account.
lines.contraVatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account.
lines.contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher on the contra account in base currency.
lines.currency string 3 The currency the invoice is specified in.
lines.department object A reference to the department that this voucher will be connected with.
lines.department.departmentNumber integer The unique identifier of the department.
lines.department.self string uri A unique link reference to the department item.
lines.document string uri The unique reference to the file.
lines.entryNumber integer True The unique identifier of the invoice line.
lines.exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency.
lines.remittanceInformation object
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorId string 50 This could be the IBAN/SWIFT no, bank account no, bankgiro no or postgiro no depending on the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.creditorInvoiceId string 30 The OCR or message sent together with the creditorId.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType object The payment type used.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment type.
lines.remittanceInformation.paymentType.self string uri A unique link reference to the paymentType item.
lines.remittanceInformation.self string uri A unique link reference to the remittanceInformation item.
lines.supplier object The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods.
lines.supplier.self string uri A unique self reference of the supplier.
lines.supplier.supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
lines.supplierInvoiceNumber string The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier.
lines.text string 250 The text on the voucher line.
lines.vatAccount object The account for VAT.
lines.vatAccount.self string uri A unique link reference to the vatAccount item.
lines.vatAccount.vatCode string 5 The unique identifier of the vat account.
lines.vatAmount number The amount of VAT on the voucher. Used if the line has a VAT account.
lines.vatAmountInBaseCurrency number The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency.
numberSeries object The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique identifier of the number series.
numberSeries.self string uri A unique link reference to the number series item.
remainder number True Remaining amount to be paid.
remainderInDefaultCurrency number True Remaining amount to be paid in default currency.
self string uri A unique reference to the accounting year vouchers resource.
voucherType Enum supplierInvoice The type of voucher. Must be SupplierInvoice.

Additional Expenses

Additional expenses allow adding supplementary lines to an invoice.
Read the blog post for more info and examples.

Get all Additional Expenses

GET /additional-expenses

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object Account
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
additionalExpenseNumber integer A reference number for the additional expense.
additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
name string Additional expense name
vatAccount object Default VAT account
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.

Get a single Additional Expense

GET /additional-expenses/:expenseNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object Account
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
additionalExpenseNumber integer A reference number for the additional expense.
additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
name string Additional expense name
vatAccount object Default VAT account
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.

Create a new Additional Expense

POST /additional-expenses

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, name, vatAccount


Name Type Values Description
account object Account
additionalExpenseNumber integer A reference number for the additional expense.
additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
name string Additional expense name
vatAccount object Default VAT account

Create or Update an Additional Expense

PUT /additional-expenses/:expenseNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, name, vatAccount


Name Type Values Description
account object Account
additionalExpenseNumber integer A reference number for the additional expense.
additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
name string Additional expense name
vatAccount object Default VAT account

Delete an Additional Expense

DELETE /additional-expenses/:expenseNumber


The API exposes a the alias-layers available in Reviso.

Get Alias-Layers

GET /alias-layers

Get list of all available alias-layers.

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
name string The name of the alias layer.
productAliases object The product aliases for the current alias-layer.
productAliases.descriptionAlias string The alias for the description of the product.
productAliases.nameAlias string The alias for the name of the product.
productAliases.productNumber string The product identifier.

Get specific Alias-Layer

GET /alias-layers/:aliasLayerNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
name string The name of the alias layer.
productAliases object The product aliases for the current alias-layer.
productAliases.descriptionAlias string The alias for the description of the product.
productAliases.nameAlias string The alias for the name of the product.
productAliases.productNumber string The product identifier.

Create Alias-Layer

POST /alias-layers/

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Description
aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
name string The name of the alias layer.
productAliases object The product aliases for the current alias-layer.

Update Alias-Layer

PUT /alias-layers/:aliasLayerNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Description
aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
name string The name of the alias layer.
productAliases object The product aliases for the current alias-layer.

App roles

When requesting an API token, the external App asks for access to a certain set of features on behalf of the user. Each set of privileges is called an App role. This exposes the list of available App roles and their required modules.

Get App roles

GET /app-roles

View response example


Get specific App role

GET /app-roles/:roleNumber



API Apps are what the users of your product interact with. This resource defines what level of access an app requires as well as a descriptive name.

When you create an app, a private key is returned in the response. Save that, since you will not see that in any subsequent responses.

Get Apps

GET /apps

View response example


Get specific App

GET /apps/:appNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Max length Min length Min value Values Description
appNumber integer 0 A reference number for the API App.
appPublicToken string 50 1 The appPublicToken is used for issuing grants.
appSecretToken string 50 1 The appSecretToken is used for accessing the API along side the agreementGrantToken. This is only displayed right after creating a new app.
created string full-date Date when the API App was created.
grantUrl string 500 1 Link used for issuing grants.
name string 50 1 API App name, which is displayed to people before they grant access.
requiredRoles array Roles required to issue a grant. string 100 1 SuperUser, BookKeeping, Sales, ProjectEmployee API Role name.
requiredRoles.requiredModules object Module or modules required for the role.
requiredRoles.roleNumber integer 0 A reference number for the API Role.
rootUrl string 200 1 Root URL used for issuing grants. Redirects after the grant are restricted to this Root URL.
self string uri The unique self reference of the app.

Create App

POST /apps


App Settings

These endpoints allow you to save and modify a set of custom settings specific to your app. The settings will only be exposed for your app and are not visible for anybody else. Settings can be specific to the authenticated user or to the agreement as a whole. You can save up to 200 settings per user and 200 per agreement.

The settings are key-value sets where the key is a string and the setting has to be a valid json document.

Get App Settings

GET /app-settings

View example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
agreement string uri A reference to the agreements app settings collection.
user string uri A reference to the users app settings collection.

Get App Settings for current agreement

GET /app-settings/agreement

View example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the app setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Get specific App setting

GET /app-settings/agreement/:settingId

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the app setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Create/update App Setting

PUT /app-settings/agreement/:settingId

View code example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Delete App Setting

DELETE /app-settings/agreement/:settingId

Get App Settings for current user

GET /app-settings/user

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the app setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Get specific App Setting for current user

GET /app-settings/user/:settingId

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the app setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Create/update App Setting for current user

PUT /app-settings/user/:settingId

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

content, settingKey


Name Type Format Description
content object The setting payload.
self string uri A unique link reference to the setting item.
settingKey string A unique key.

Delete App Setting for current user

DELETE /app-settings/user/:settingId

Asset Groups

Get Asset Groups

GET /asset-groups

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Description
additionAccount object Asset addition account.
additionAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
assetGroupNumber integer The group number is a unique numerical identifier.
depreciationAccountBalanceSheet object Asset depreciation account in the balance sheet.
depreciationAccountBalanceSheet.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
depreciationAccountProfitLoss object Asset depreciation account in the profit and loss.
depreciationAccountProfitLoss.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
disposalsAccount object Asset disposals account.
disposalsAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
name string The name of the asset group.
netBookedValueAccount object Net Booked Value account.
netBookedValueAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
openingAdditionAccount object Opening addition account.
openingAdditionAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
openingDepreciationAccount object Opening depreciation account.
openingDepreciationAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
residualValue integer Value of the asset at the end of the useful life.
reversedDepreciationsAccount object Asset reversed depreciation account.
reversedDepreciationsAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
usefulLife integer Useful life of the asset in months.

Get specific Asset Group

GET /asset-groups/:assetGroupNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Description
additionAccount object Asset addition account.
additionAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
assetGroupNumber integer The group number is a unique numerical identifier.
depreciationAccountBalanceSheet object Asset depreciation account in the balance sheet.
depreciationAccountBalanceSheet.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
depreciationAccountProfitLoss object Asset depreciation account in the profit and loss.
depreciationAccountProfitLoss.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
disposalsAccount object Asset disposals account.
disposalsAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
name string The name of the asset group.
netBookedValueAccount object Net Booked Value account.
netBookedValueAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
openingAdditionAccount object Opening addition account.
openingAdditionAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
openingDepreciationAccount object Opening depreciation account.
openingDepreciationAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
residualValue integer Value of the asset at the end of the useful life.
reversedDepreciationsAccount object Asset reversed depreciation account.
reversedDepreciationsAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
usefulLife integer Useful life of the asset in months.

Country Codes

Get Country Codes

GET /country-codes

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
code string The 2 letter code for the country.
ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)

Get specific Country Code

GET /country-codes/:code

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
code string The 2 letter code for the country.
ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)


The API exposes a list of all the currencies available in Reviso.

Exchange rates are not available through the API. Consider using an external service such as to get live exchange rates.

Get Currencies

GET /currencies

Get list of all available currencies.

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Max length Description
code string 3 The ISO 4217 code of the currency.
isoNumber string 3 The ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency.
name string 50 The name of the currency.
self string uri The unique self reference of the currency resource.

Get specific Currency

GET /currencies/:code

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Max length Description
code string 3 The ISO 4217 code of the currency.
isoNumber string 3 The ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency.
name string 50 The name of the currency.
self string uri The unique self reference of the currency resource.

Customer Groups

Read more about Customer Groups in our online help.

Get Customer Groups

GET /customer-groups

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
account object The account used by the accruals.
account.accountingYears string uri A unique reference to the accounting years for this account.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status, totalFrom, heading, headingStart, sumInterval, sumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
account.balance number The current balance of the account.
account.blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
account.debitCredit Enum debit, credit Describes the default update type of the account. string 125 The name of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
customerGroupNumber integer The customer groups number.
customers string uri The unique self reference of the customers belonging to this customer group.
name string 50 The name of the customer group.
self string uri The unique self reference of the customer group.

Get specific Customer Group

GET /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name

Sortable properties

account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
account object The account used by the accruals.
account.accountingYears string uri A unique reference to the accounting years for this account.
account.accountNumber integer The account number.
account.accountType Enum profitAndLoss, status, totalFrom, heading, headingStart, sumInterval, sumAlpha The type of account in the chart of accounts.
account.balance number The current balance of the account.
account.blockDirectEntries boolean Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries.
account.debitCredit Enum debit, credit Describes the default update type of the account. string 125 The name of the account.
account.self string uri A unique reference to the account resource.
customerGroupNumber integer The customer groups number.
customers string uri The unique self reference of the customers belonging to this customer group.
name string 50 The name of the customer group.
self string uri The unique self reference of the customer group.

Get Customers in Customer Group

GET /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber/customers

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required properties

currency, customerGroup, name, paymentTerms, vatZone


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Min length Description
address string 510 Address for the customer including street and number.
attention object The customer's person of attention.
attention.customerContactNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer employee.
attention.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer employee item.
balance number True The outstanding amount for this customer.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing.
ciNumber string 40 Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark.
city string 50 The customer's city.
country string 50 The customer's country.
county string 255 The customer's county.
creditLimit number A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in the system.
currency string 3 3 Default payment currency.
customerContact object Reference to main contact employee at customer.
customerContact.customerContactnumber integer The unique identifier of the customer contact.
customerContact.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer contact item.
customerGroup object In order to set up a new customer, it is necessary to specify a customer group. It is useful to group a company’s customers (e.g., ‘domestic’ and ‘foreign’ customers) and to link the group members to the same account when generating reports.
customerGroup.customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
customerGroup.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer group item.
customerNumber integer The customer number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. If no customer number is specified a number will be supplied by the system.
ean string 40 International Article Number (originally European Article Number). EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector.
email string 255 Customer e-mail address where invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field, separated by a space. If you need to send a copy of the invoice or write to other e-mail addresses, you can also create one or more customer contacts.
layout object Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
layout.self string uri A unique link reference to the layout item.
name string 255 1 The customer name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the customer.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.self string uri A unique link reference to the payment terms item.
publicEntryNumber string 50 The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing, to define the account invoices will be registered on at the customer.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer.
salesPerson.employeeNumber integer The unique identifier of the employee.
salesPerson.self string uri A unique link reference to the employee resource.
self string uri The unique self reference of the customer resource.
telephoneAndFaxNumber string 255 The customer's telephone and/or fax number.
vatNumber string 50 The customer's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the ciNumber property.
vatZone object Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad).
vatZone.self string uri A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item.
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the VAT-zone.
website string 255 Customer website, if applicable.
zip string 30 The customer's postcode.

Create Customer Group

POST /customer-groups

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, customerGroupNumber, name


Name Type Description
account object The posting account of the customer group.
customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
deduction object The deduction settings for the customer group.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer groups’s default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines if the customer itself doesn't have a discount percent.
layout object The default layout for the customer group.
manualSalesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for manual sales invoice .
name string The descriptive name of the customer group.
priceList object Default price list for the customer group
salesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for sales invoice

Update Customer Group

PUT /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, customerGroupNumber, name


Name Type Description
account object The posting account of the customer group.
customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
deduction object The deduction settings for the customer group.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer groups’s default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines if the customer itself doesn't have a discount percent.
layout object The default layout for the customer group.
manualSalesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for manual sales invoice .
name string The descriptive name of the customer group.
priceList object Default price list for the customer group
salesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for sales invoice

Delete Customer Group

DELETE /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber


For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get Customers

GET /customers

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
address string Address for the customer including street and number.
aliasLayer object The customer's alias-layer.
aliasLayer.aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
attention object The customer's person of attention.
attention.customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
attention.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
attention.deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
attention.eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string Customer contact name.
attention.notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. string Customer contact phone number.
balance number True The outstanding amount for this customer.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing.
city string The customer's city.
contacts object The customer's contacts.
corporateIdentificationNumber string Corporate Identification Number.
country string The customer's country.
countryCode object The customer's country code - only exposed in Spain
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
county string The customer's county.
creditLimit number A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in the system.
currency string Default payment currency.
customerContact object Reference to main contact employee at customer.
customerContact.customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customerContact.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
customerContact.deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
customerContact.eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string Customer contact name.
customerContact.notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. string Customer contact phone number.
customerGroup object The customer group to which the customer belongs.
customerGroup.account object The posting account of the customer group.
customerGroup.customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
customerGroup.deduction object The deduction settings for the customer group.
customerGroup.defaultDiscountPct number The customer groups’s default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines if the customer itself doesn't have a discount percent.
customerGroup.layout object The default layout for the customer group.
customerGroup.manualSalesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for manual sales invoice . string The descriptive name of the customer group.
customerGroup.priceList object Default price list for the customer group
customerGroup.salesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for sales invoice
customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The customer's default delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.address string The address of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred. string The city of the delivery location. string The country of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.county string The county of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
defaultDeliveryLocation.externalId string The external id.
defaultDeliveryLocation.postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer's default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines.
directDebitMandateDate string full-date The Customer's direct debit mandate date.
ean string International Article Number (originally European Article Number). EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector.
email string Customer e-mail address where invoices should be emailed. Multiple email addresses are separated by a space.
iban string The customer's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
italianCertifiedEmail string The customer's certified Italian email.
italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
lastUpdated string full-date The date the customer was last updated. Presented in UTC
layout object Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
mandateID string The customer's Mandate ID.
name string The customer name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the customer.
paymentTerms.barred boolean If this payment term is accessible.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountAccount object The cash discount account.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountDayLimit integer The cash discount day limit.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountRate number The cash discount rate.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account. Used for PaidInCash and Factoring only.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany object The credit card company. Used for type CreditCard only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
paymentTerms.daysOfCredit integer The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'.
paymentTerms.description string The description of the payment term.
paymentTerms.monthsOfCredit integer The number of months of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'. string The name of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.numberSeriesForCustomerPayment object The number series to use for creating customer payment vouchers. Used for paidInCash or creditcard type only.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth The type of the payment term.
paymentTerms.percentageForPrepaidAmount number The percentage for prepaid amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.percentageForRemainderAmount number The percentage for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate object The timetable payment template. Used for Timetable only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines object An array containing the timetable pament template lines.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.paymentTerms object The payment term for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.percentage number The percentage to use for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.timetablePaymentTemplateLineNumber integer A unique identifier of the timetable payment template line.
paymentTerms.type string The type the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed.
paymentType.fields object List of the payment type's fields.
paymentType.fields.dataType object String, Integer Data type of the payment type field. string Payment type's name.
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
priceGroup object The customer's price group. string The name of the price group.
priceGroup.priceGroupNumber integer The number of the price group.
priceGroup.products object The list of products the price group has special prices for.
priceList object The customer's default price-list. string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
province object The customer's province.
province.countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
province.provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.
publicEntryNumber string The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing, to define the account invoices will be registered on at the customer.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer.
salesPerson.address string The Address of the employee.
salesPerson.barred boolean Shows if the employee is barred from being used.
salesPerson.bookedInvoices object A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference.
salesPerson.canApprove boolean Shows if the user can approve. Only for time logger profiles.
salesPerson.canInvoice boolean Shows if the user can invoice. Only for project managers and time logger profiles. string The City of the employee.
salesPerson.costPriceAfter number Employee cost price after the cut-off date.
salesPerson.costPriceBefore number Employee cost price before the cut-off date.
salesPerson.customers object A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference.
salesPerson.cutoffDate string full-date The cut-off date for employee cost/sales prices.
salesPerson.draftInvoices object A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference. string The email address of the employee.
salesPerson.employeeGroup object The group to which the employee belongs.
salesPerson.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
salesPerson.employeeType object Employee type.
salesPerson.initials string Userid of related user. string The name of the employee. string The phone number of the employee.
salesPerson.postCode string The PostCode of the employee.
salesPerson.salesPriceAfter number Employee after price sales the cut-off date.
salesPerson.salesPriceBefore number Employee sales price before the cut-off date.
splitPayment boolean The customer's split payment regime indicator.
swift string The customer's swift.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
telephoneAndFaxNumber string The customer's telephone and/or fax number.
templates object The template of the customer.
templates.invoice object
tenderContract object The customer's tender contract.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object Indicates that a customer has to be invoiced with a specific VAT code.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatNumber string The customer's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad).
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
website string Customer website, if applicable.
zip string The customer's zip code.

Get specific Customer

GET /customers/:customerNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
address string Address for the customer including street and number.
aliasLayer object The customer's alias-layer.
aliasLayer.aliasLayerNumber integer A unique identifier of the alias layer.
attention object The customer's person of attention.
attention.customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
attention.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
attention.deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
attention.eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string Customer contact name.
attention.notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. string Customer contact phone number.
balance number True The outstanding amount for this customer.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing.
city string The customer's city.
contacts object The customer's contacts.
corporateIdentificationNumber string Corporate Identification Number.
country string The customer's country.
countryCode object The customer's country code - only exposed in Spain
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
county string The customer's county.
creditLimit number A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in the system.
currency string Default payment currency.
customerContact object Reference to main contact employee at customer.
customerContact.customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customerContact.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
customerContact.deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
customerContact.eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string Customer contact name.
customerContact.notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. string Customer contact phone number.
customerGroup object The customer group to which the customer belongs.
customerGroup.account object The posting account of the customer group.
customerGroup.customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
customerGroup.deduction object The deduction settings for the customer group.
customerGroup.defaultDiscountPct number The customer groups’s default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines if the customer itself doesn't have a discount percent.
customerGroup.layout object The default layout for the customer group.
customerGroup.manualSalesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for manual sales invoice . string The descriptive name of the customer group.
customerGroup.priceList object Default price list for the customer group
customerGroup.salesInvoiceNumberSeries object Number series for sales invoice
customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The customer's default delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.address string The address of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred. string The city of the delivery location. string The country of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.county string The county of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
defaultDeliveryLocation.externalId string The external id.
defaultDeliveryLocation.postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
defaultDeliveryLocation.terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer's default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines.
directDebitMandateDate string full-date The Customer's direct debit mandate date.
ean string International Article Number (originally European Article Number). EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector.
email string Customer e-mail address where invoices should be emailed. Multiple email addresses are separated by a space.
iban string The customer's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
italianCertifiedEmail string The customer's certified Italian email.
italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
lastUpdated string full-date The date the customer was last updated. Presented in UTC
layout object Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
mandateID string The customer's Mandate ID.
name string The customer name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the customer.
paymentTerms.barred boolean If this payment term is accessible.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountAccount object The cash discount account.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountDayLimit integer The cash discount day limit.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountRate number The cash discount rate.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account. Used for PaidInCash and Factoring only.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany object The credit card company. Used for type CreditCard only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
paymentTerms.daysOfCredit integer The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'.
paymentTerms.description string The description of the payment term.
paymentTerms.monthsOfCredit integer The number of months of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'. string The name of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.numberSeriesForCustomerPayment object The number series to use for creating customer payment vouchers. Used for paidInCash or creditcard type only.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth The type of the payment term.
paymentTerms.percentageForPrepaidAmount number The percentage for prepaid amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.percentageForRemainderAmount number The percentage for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate object The timetable payment template. Used for Timetable only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines object An array containing the timetable pament template lines.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.paymentTerms object The payment term for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.percentage number The percentage to use for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.timetablePaymentTemplateLineNumber integer A unique identifier of the timetable payment template line.
paymentTerms.type string The type the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed.
paymentType.fields object List of the payment type's fields.
paymentType.fields.dataType object String, Integer Data type of the payment type field. string Payment type's name.
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
priceGroup object The customer's price group. string The name of the price group.
priceGroup.priceGroupNumber integer The number of the price group.
priceGroup.products object The list of products the price group has special prices for.
priceList object The customer's default price-list. string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
province object The customer's province.
province.countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
province.provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.
publicEntryNumber string The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing, to define the account invoices will be registered on at the customer.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer.
salesPerson.address string The Address of the employee.
salesPerson.barred boolean Shows if the employee is barred from being used.
salesPerson.bookedInvoices object A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference.
salesPerson.canApprove boolean Shows if the user can approve. Only for time logger profiles.
salesPerson.canInvoice boolean Shows if the user can invoice. Only for project managers and time logger profiles. string The City of the employee.
salesPerson.costPriceAfter number Employee cost price after the cut-off date.
salesPerson.costPriceBefore number Employee cost price before the cut-off date.
salesPerson.customers object A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference.
salesPerson.cutoffDate string full-date The cut-off date for employee cost/sales prices.
salesPerson.draftInvoices object A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference. string The email address of the employee.
salesPerson.employeeGroup object The group to which the employee belongs.
salesPerson.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
salesPerson.employeeType object Employee type.
salesPerson.initials string Userid of related user. string The name of the employee. string The phone number of the employee.
salesPerson.postCode string The PostCode of the employee.
salesPerson.salesPriceAfter number Employee after price sales the cut-off date.
salesPerson.salesPriceBefore number Employee sales price before the cut-off date.
splitPayment boolean The customer's split payment regime indicator.
swift string The customer's swift.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
telephoneAndFaxNumber string The customer's telephone and/or fax number.
templates object The template of the customer.
templates.invoice object
tenderContract object The customer's tender contract.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object Indicates that a customer has to be invoiced with a specific VAT code.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatNumber string The customer's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad).
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
website string Customer website, if applicable.
zip string The customer's zip code.

Create Customer

POST /customers

View code sample

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

currency, customerGroup, customerGroup.customerGroupNumber, name, paymentTerms, vatZone


Name Type Format Values Description
address string Address for the customer including street and number.
aliasLayer object The customer's alias-layer.
attention object The customer's person of attention.
attention.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing.
city string The customer's city.
contacts object The customer's contacts.
corporateIdentificationNumber string Corporate Identification Number.
country string The customer's country.
countryCode object The customer's country code - only exposed in Spain
county string The customer's county.
creditLimit number A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in the system.
currency string Default payment currency.
customerContact object Reference to main contact employee at customer.
customerContact.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
customerGroup object The customer group to which the customer belongs.
customerGroup.customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The customer's default delivery location.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer's default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines.
directDebitMandateDate string full-date The Customer's direct debit mandate date.
ean string International Article Number (originally European Article Number). EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector.
email string Customer e-mail address where invoices should be emailed. Multiple email addresses are separated by a space.
iban string The customer's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
italianCertifiedEmail string The customer's certified Italian email.
italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
lastUpdated string full-date The date the customer was last updated. Presented in UTC
layout object Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer.
mandateID string The customer's Mandate ID.
name string The customer name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the customer.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed.
priceGroup object The customer's price group.
priceList object The customer's default price-list.
province object The customer's province.
publicEntryNumber string The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing, to define the account invoices will be registered on at the customer.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer.
splitPayment boolean The customer's split payment regime indicator.
swift string The customer's swift.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
telephoneAndFaxNumber string The customer's telephone and/or fax number.
templates object The template of the customer.
tenderContract object The customer's tender contract.
vatAccount object Indicates that a customer has to be invoiced with a specific VAT code.
vatNumber string The customer's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad).
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
website string Customer website, if applicable.
zip string The customer's zip code.

Update Customer

PUT /customers/:customerNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

currency, customerGroup, customerGroup.customerGroupNumber, name, paymentTerms, vatZone


Name Type Format Values Description
address string Address for the customer including street and number.
aliasLayer object The customer's alias-layer.
attention object The customer's person of attention.
attention.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing.
city string The customer's city.
contacts object The customer's contacts.
corporateIdentificationNumber string Corporate Identification Number.
country string The customer's country.
countryCode object The customer's country code - only exposed in Spain
county string The customer's county.
creditLimit number A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in the system.
currency string Default payment currency.
customerContact object Reference to main contact employee at customer.
customerContact.customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
customerGroup object The customer group to which the customer belongs.
customerGroup.customerGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer group.
customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The customer's default delivery location.
defaultDiscountPct number The customer's default discount percent to apply to new invoice lines.
directDebitMandateDate string full-date The Customer's direct debit mandate date.
ean string International Article Number (originally European Article Number). EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector.
email string Customer e-mail address where invoices should be emailed. Multiple email addresses are separated by a space.
iban string The customer's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
italianCertifiedEmail string The customer's certified Italian email.
italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
lastUpdated string full-date The date the customer was last updated. Presented in UTC
layout object Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer.
mandateID string The customer's Mandate ID.
name string The customer name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the customer.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed.
priceGroup object The customer's price group.
priceList object The customer's default price-list.
province object The customer's province.
publicEntryNumber string The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing, to define the account invoices will be registered on at the customer.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer.
splitPayment boolean The customer's split payment regime indicator.
swift string The customer's swift.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
telephoneAndFaxNumber string The customer's telephone and/or fax number.
templates object The template of the customer.
tenderContract object The customer's tender contract.
vatAccount object Indicates that a customer has to be invoiced with a specific VAT code.
vatNumber string The customer's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad).
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
website string Customer website, if applicable.
zip string The customer's zip code.

Delete Customer

DELETE /customers/:customerNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.

Get Customer Contacts

GET /customers/:customerNumber/contacts

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID.
email string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
name string Customer contact name.
notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person.
phone string Customer contact phone number.

Get specific Customer Contact

GET /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID.
email string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
name string Customer contact name.
notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person.
phone string Customer contact phone number.

Create Customer Contact

POST /customers/:customerNumber/contacts

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

customer, name


Name Type Description
customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID.
email string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
name string Customer contact name.
notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person.
phone string Customer contact phone number.

Update Customer Contact

PUT /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

customer, name


Name Type Description
customer object The customer to which the contact belongs.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.
deleted boolean Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted.
eInvoiceId string Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID.
email string Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent.
emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
name string Customer contact name.
notes string Any notes you need to keep on a contact person.
phone string Customer contact phone number.

Delete Customer Contact

DELETE /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
customerContactNumber integer Unique numerical identifier. This identifier is unique in the context of a customer.

Get Customer Delivery locations

GET /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
address string The address of the delivery location.
barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred.
city string The city of the delivery location.
country string The country of the delivery location.
county string The county of the delivery location.
deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
externalId string The external id.
postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.

Get specific Customer Delivery location

GET /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:locationNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
address string The address of the delivery location.
barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred.
city string The city of the delivery location.
country string The country of the delivery location.
county string The county of the delivery location.
deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
externalId string The external id.
postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.

Create Customer Delivery locations

POST /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
address string The address of the delivery location.
barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred.
city string The city of the delivery location.
country string The country of the delivery location.
county string The county of the delivery location.
deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
externalId string The external id.
postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.

Update Customer Delivery location

PUT /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:locationNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
address string The address of the delivery location.
barred boolean Whether the delivery location is barred.
city string The city of the delivery location.
country string The country of the delivery location.
county string The county of the delivery location.
deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
electronicInvoicingOfficeCode string The office code used for electronic invoicing.
externalId string The external id.
postalCode string The zip code of the delivery location.
terms string The terms applying to the delivery location.

Delete Customer Delivery location

DELETE /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:locationNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object



Get Customer Templates

GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/

Returns the templates available for customers. Templates are used to simplify the creation of resources that can otherwise be complex to build.

Get Invoice Template

GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/invoice

Returns a draft invoice template based on the Customer. This can be modified and posted to /v2/invoices/drafts.

Delivery Notes

Sales Delivery Notes

Get Sales Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/sales

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenses object
additionalExpenses.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
additionalExpenses.amount number integer
additionalExpenses.isExcluded boolean string
additionalExpenses.vatCode object
additionalInfo object
additionalInfo.currency string
additionalInfo.exchangeRate number
additionalInfo.layout object
additionalInfo.project object
additionalInfo.tenderContractData object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object
deliveryDetails.deliveredBy object Self, Sender, Recipient Delivered By.
deliveryDetails.deliveryEndDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryTerms string
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string
deliveryDetails.grossWeight number integer
deliveryDetails.netWeight number
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
destination.address string string
destination.companyName string string
destination.countryCode object integer
destination.zipCode string
id integer
invoice object
invoice.hasVoucherNumber boolean integer
invoice.isBooked boolean string
notesAndAttachments object
notesAndAttachments.heading string
notesAndAttachments.pdfLink string
notesAndAttachments.text1 string
notesAndAttachments.text2 string
numberSeries object integer
numberSeries.numberSeriesSequenceElement object
numberSeries.prefix string
order object integer string
owner object
owner.address string string string
owner.countryCode object integer string
owner.vatAccount object
owner.vatZone object
owner.zipCode string
paymentDetails object
paymentDetails.bankAccount object string full-date
paymentDetails.paymentTerms object
paymentDetails.paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth
paymentDetails.paymentType object
pdf object
printTemplate object string string
productDetails object
productDetails.defaultDiscountPercentage number
productDetails.priceInGross boolean
productDetails.priceList object
productDetails.productLines object
quotation object integer string
references object
references.customerContact object
references.other string
references.primarySalesPerson object
references.secondarySalesPerson object
totalAmount number True
vatAmount number True

Get specific Sales Delivery Note

GET /delivery-notes/sales/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenses object
additionalExpenses.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
additionalExpenses.amount number integer
additionalExpenses.isExcluded boolean string
additionalExpenses.vatCode object
additionalInfo object
additionalInfo.currency string
additionalInfo.exchangeRate number
additionalInfo.layout object
additionalInfo.project object
additionalInfo.tenderContractData object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object
deliveryDetails.deliveredBy object Self, Sender, Recipient Delivered By.
deliveryDetails.deliveryEndDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryTerms string
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string
deliveryDetails.grossWeight number integer
deliveryDetails.netWeight number
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
destination.address string string
destination.companyName string string
destination.countryCode object integer
destination.zipCode string
id integer
invoice object
invoice.hasVoucherNumber boolean integer
invoice.isBooked boolean string
notesAndAttachments object
notesAndAttachments.heading string
notesAndAttachments.pdfLink string
notesAndAttachments.text1 string
notesAndAttachments.text2 string
numberSeries object integer
numberSeries.numberSeriesSequenceElement object
numberSeries.prefix string
order object integer string
owner object
owner.address string string string
owner.countryCode object integer string
owner.vatAccount object
owner.vatZone object
owner.zipCode string
paymentDetails object
paymentDetails.bankAccount object string full-date
paymentDetails.paymentTerms object
paymentDetails.paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth
paymentDetails.paymentType object
pdf object
printTemplate object string string
productDetails object
productDetails.defaultDiscountPercentage number
productDetails.priceInGross boolean
productDetails.priceList object
productDetails.productLines object
quotation object integer string
references object
references.customerContact object
references.other string
references.primarySalesPerson object
references.secondarySalesPerson object
totalAmount number True
vatAmount number True

Create Sales Delivery Note

POST /delivery-notes/sales

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

additionalInfo, affectsInStockCounter, date, deliveryNoteStatus, deliveryNoteType, numberSeries, owner, pdf


Name Type Format Values
additionalExpenses object
additionalInfo object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
id integer
invoice object
notesAndAttachments object
numberSeries object
order object
owner object
paymentDetails object
pdf object
printTemplate object
productDetails object
quotation object
references object

Update Sales Delivery Note

PUT /delivery-notes/sales/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

additionalInfo, affectsInStockCounter, date, deliveryNoteStatus, deliveryNoteType, numberSeries, owner, pdf


Name Type Format Values
additionalExpenses object
additionalInfo object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
id integer
invoice object
notesAndAttachments object
numberSeries object
order object
owner object
paymentDetails object
pdf object
printTemplate object
productDetails object
quotation object
references object

Delete Sales Delivery Notes

DELETE /delivery-notes/sales

Delete specific Sales Delivery Note

DELETE /delivery-notes/sales/:id

Issue Sales Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/sales/issue

Issue specific Sales Delivery Note

POST /delivery-notes/sales/issue/:id

GET /delivery-notes/sales/print

Preview Sales Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/sales/print/preview

Create Sales Delivery Notes from Sales Orders

POST /delivery-notes/sales/create-delivery-notes-from-orders

Create Sales Invoices from Sales Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/sales/create-invoices-from-delivery-notes

Get Print Templates for Sales Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/sales/print-templates

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type
_id string
folder object
folder.shortId string
name string
shortId string

Get specific Print Template for Sales Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/sales/print-templates/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
_id string
folder object
folder.shortId string
name string
shortId string

Get Print JSON for specific Sales Delivery Note

GET /delivery-notes/sales/print-json/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
company object
company.address string string
company.companyIdentificationNumber string string string
company.province string
company.vatNumber string string
deliveryNote object
deliveryNote.additionalExpenses object
deliveryNote.client object string
deliveryNote.deliveryDetails object
deliveryNote.deliveryNoteNumber string
deliveryNote.deliveryNoteType string
deliveryNote.destination object
deliveryNote.invoice object
deliveryNote.notesAndAttachments object
deliveryNote.numberSeries object
deliveryNote.order object
deliveryNote.owner object
deliveryNote.paymentDetails object
deliveryNote.paymentTerm object
deliveryNote.productDetails object
deliveryNote.totalGrossAmount number
deliveryNote.totalNetAmount number
deliveryNote.totalQuantity number
deliveryNote.totalVatAmount number
logoUrl string
references object
references.otherContact object
references.salesAgent object
references.toTheAttentionOf object
references.yourReferent object

Get Sales Delivery Notes by Sales Order

GET /delivery-notes/sales/by-order/:orderId

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenses object
additionalExpenses.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
additionalExpenses.amount number integer
additionalExpenses.isExcluded boolean string
additionalExpenses.vatCode object
additionalInfo object
additionalInfo.currency string
additionalInfo.exchangeRate number
additionalInfo.layout object
additionalInfo.project object
additionalInfo.tenderContractData object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object
deliveryDetails.deliveredBy object Self, Sender, Recipient Delivered By.
deliveryDetails.deliveryEndDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryTerms string
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string
deliveryDetails.grossWeight number integer
deliveryDetails.netWeight number
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
destination.address string string
destination.companyName string string
destination.countryCode object integer
destination.zipCode string
id integer
invoice object
invoice.hasVoucherNumber boolean integer
invoice.isBooked boolean string
notesAndAttachments object
notesAndAttachments.heading string
notesAndAttachments.pdfLink string
notesAndAttachments.text1 string
notesAndAttachments.text2 string
numberSeries object integer
numberSeries.numberSeriesSequenceElement object
numberSeries.prefix string
order object integer string
owner object
owner.address string string string
owner.countryCode object integer string
owner.vatAccount object
owner.vatZone object
owner.zipCode string
paymentDetails object
paymentDetails.bankAccount object string full-date
paymentDetails.paymentTerms object
paymentDetails.paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth
paymentDetails.paymentType object
pdf object
printTemplate object string string
productDetails object
productDetails.defaultDiscountPercentage number
productDetails.priceInGross boolean
productDetails.priceList object
productDetails.productLines object
quotation object integer string
references object
references.customerContact object
references.other string
references.primarySalesPerson object
references.secondarySalesPerson object
totalAmount number True
vatAmount number True

Purchase Delivery Notes

Get Purchase Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/purchase

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenses object
additionalExpenses.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
additionalExpenses.amount number integer
additionalExpenses.isExcluded boolean string
additionalExpenses.vatCode object
additionalInfo object
additionalInfo.currency string
additionalInfo.exchangeRate number
additionalInfo.layout object
additionalInfo.project object
additionalInfo.tenderContractData object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object
deliveryDetails.deliveredBy object Self, Sender, Recipient Delivered By.
deliveryDetails.deliveryEndDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryTerms string
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string
deliveryDetails.grossWeight number integer
deliveryDetails.netWeight number
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
destination.address string string
destination.companyName string string
destination.countryCode object integer
destination.zipCode string
id integer
invoice object
invoice.hasVoucherNumber boolean integer
invoice.isBooked boolean string
notesAndAttachments object
notesAndAttachments.heading string
notesAndAttachments.pdfLink string
notesAndAttachments.text1 string
notesAndAttachments.text2 string
numberSeries object integer
numberSeries.numberSeriesSequenceElement object
numberSeries.prefix string
order object integer string
owner object
owner.address string string string
owner.countryCode object integer string
owner.vatAccount object
owner.vatZone object
owner.zipCode string
ownerDeliveryNoteReference string
ownerDeliveryNoteReferenceDate string full-date
paymentDetails object
paymentDetails.bankAccount object string full-date
paymentDetails.paymentTerms object
paymentDetails.paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth
paymentDetails.paymentType object
pdf object
printTemplate object string string
productDetails object
productDetails.defaultDiscountPercentage number
productDetails.priceInGross boolean
productDetails.priceList object
productDetails.productLines object
quotation object integer string
references object
references.other string
references.primaryPurchasePerson object
references.secondaryPurchasePerson object
references.supplierContact object
totalAmount number True
vatAmount number True

Get specific Purchase Delivery Note

GET /delivery-notes/purchase/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenses object
additionalExpenses.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport
additionalExpenses.amount number integer
additionalExpenses.isExcluded boolean string
additionalExpenses.vatCode object
additionalInfo object
additionalInfo.currency string
additionalInfo.exchangeRate number
additionalInfo.layout object
additionalInfo.project object
additionalInfo.tenderContractData object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object
deliveryDetails.deliveredBy object Self, Sender, Recipient Delivered By.
deliveryDetails.deliveryEndDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDate string full-date
deliveryDetails.deliveryTerms string
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string
deliveryDetails.grossWeight number integer
deliveryDetails.netWeight number
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
destination.address string string
destination.companyName string string
destination.countryCode object integer
destination.zipCode string
id integer
invoice object
invoice.hasVoucherNumber boolean integer
invoice.isBooked boolean string
notesAndAttachments object
notesAndAttachments.heading string
notesAndAttachments.pdfLink string
notesAndAttachments.text1 string
notesAndAttachments.text2 string
numberSeries object integer
numberSeries.numberSeriesSequenceElement object
numberSeries.prefix string
order object integer string
owner object
owner.address string string string
owner.countryCode object integer string
owner.vatAccount object
owner.vatZone object
owner.zipCode string
ownerDeliveryNoteReference string
ownerDeliveryNoteReferenceDate string full-date
paymentDetails object
paymentDetails.bankAccount object string full-date
paymentDetails.paymentTerms object
paymentDetails.paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth
paymentDetails.paymentType object
pdf object
printTemplate object string string
productDetails object
productDetails.defaultDiscountPercentage number
productDetails.priceInGross boolean
productDetails.priceList object
productDetails.productLines object
quotation object integer string
references object
references.other string
references.primaryPurchasePerson object
references.secondaryPurchasePerson object
references.supplierContact object
totalAmount number True
vatAmount number True

Create Purchase Delivery Note

POST /delivery-notes/purchase

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

additionalInfo, affectsInStockCounter, date, deliveryNoteStatus, deliveryNoteType, numberSeries, owner, pdf


Name Type Format Values
additionalExpenses object
additionalInfo object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
id integer
invoice object
notesAndAttachments object
numberSeries object
order object
owner object
ownerDeliveryNoteReference string
ownerDeliveryNoteReferenceDate string full-date
paymentDetails object
pdf object
printTemplate object
productDetails object
quotation object
references object

Update Purchase Delivery Note

PUT /delivery-notes/purchase/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

additionalInfo, affectsInStockCounter, date, deliveryNoteStatus, deliveryNoteType, numberSeries, owner, pdf


Name Type Format Values
additionalExpenses object
additionalInfo object
affectsInStockCounter boolean
date string full-date
deliveryDetails object
deliveryNoteStatus object Draft, Issued, BeingIssued, BeingInvoiced, Invoiced
deliveryNoteType object Sales, Purchase
destination object
id integer
invoice object
notesAndAttachments object
numberSeries object
order object
owner object
ownerDeliveryNoteReference string
ownerDeliveryNoteReferenceDate string full-date
paymentDetails object
pdf object
printTemplate object
productDetails object
quotation object
references object

Delete Purchase Delivery Notes

DELETE /delivery-notes/purchase

Delete specific Purchase Delivery Note

DELETE /delivery-notes/purchase/:id

Issue Purchase Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/purchase/issue

GET /delivery-notes/purchase/print

Preview Purchase Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/purchase/print/preview

Preview Purchase Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/purchase/link-to-invoice

Preview Purchase Delivery Notes

POST /delivery-notes/purchase/unlink-from-invoice

Create Purchase Delivery Notes from Purchase Orders

POST /delivery-notes/purchase/create-delivery-notes-from-orders

Get Print Templates for Purchase Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/purchase/print-templates

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type
_id string
folder object
folder.shortId string
name string
shortId string

Get specific Print Template for Purchase Delivery Notes

GET /delivery-notes/purchase/print-templates/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
_id string
folder object
folder.shortId string
name string
shortId string

Get Print JSON for specific Purchase Delivery Note

GET /delivery-notes/purchase/print-json/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
company object
company.address string string
company.companyIdentificationNumber string string string
company.province string
company.vatNumber string string
deliveryNote object
deliveryNote.additionalExpenses object string
deliveryNote.deliveryDetails object
deliveryNote.deliveryNoteNumber string
deliveryNote.deliveryNoteType string
deliveryNote.destination object
deliveryNote.invoice object
deliveryNote.notesAndAttachments object
deliveryNote.numberSeries object
deliveryNote.order object
deliveryNote.owner object
deliveryNote.paymentDetails object
deliveryNote.paymentTerm object
deliveryNote.productDetails object
deliveryNote.totalGrossAmount number
deliveryNote.totalNetAmount number
deliveryNote.totalQuantity number
deliveryNote.totalVatAmount number
logoUrl string
references object
references.otherContact object
references.salesAgent object
references.toTheAttentionOf object
references.yourReferent object

Departmental Distributions

Get Departmental Distributions

GET /departmental-distributions/

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
barred boolean Indicates whether or not the departmental distribution is barred.
departmentalDistributionNumber integer The unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
distributions object List of distributions with percentage for each department.
distributions.department object
distributions.percentage number
distributionType object Distribution, Department
name string Name of the departmental distribution.

Get specific Departmental Distribution

GET /departmental-distributions/:departmentalDistributionNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
barred boolean Indicates whether or not the departmental distribution is barred.
departmentalDistributionNumber integer The unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
distributions object List of distributions with percentage for each department.
distributions.department object
distributions.percentage number
distributionType object Distribution, Department
name string Name of the departmental distribution.

Get Departments

GET /departmental-distributions/departments/

Filter only departments.

Get specific Department

GET /departmental-distributions/departments/:departmentNumber

Get Distributions

GET /departmental-distributions/distributions

Filter only distributions.

Get specific Distribution

GET /departmental-distributions/distributions/:distributionNumber


Read more about Departments and Dimensions in our Online help.

Get Departments

GET /departments

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
barred boolean Whether or not the department has been barred.
departmentNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the department.
name string Department's name.

Get specific Department

GET /departments/:departmentNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
barred boolean Whether or not the department has been barred.
departmentNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the department.
name string Department's name.

DocumenT Categories

Get Document Categories

GET /document-categories

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
categoryNumber integer A unique identifier of the Category.
name string The descriptive name of the Category.


GET /echo

Convenience endpoint for testing. The /echo endpoint will return everything you throw at it.

Accepts query string parameter statuscode. When provided it will determine the status code of the response. This can be used to test the error responses of the API.

The endpoint supports GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE.

Employee Groups

Get Employee Groups

GET /employee-groups

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
employeeGroupNumber integer The group number is a unique numerical identifier.
name string The name of the group.

Get specific Employee Group

GET /employee-groups/:groupId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
employeeGroupNumber integer The group number is a unique numerical identifier.
name string The name of the group.


Get Employees

GET /employees

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Filterable properties

barred, email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone

Sortable properties

email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
barred boolean Shows if the employee is barred from being used.
bookedInvoices string uri A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference.
customers string uri A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference.
draftInvoices string uri A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference.
email string 250 The email address of the employee
employeeGroup object The group to which the employee belongs.
employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber integer 1 The unique identifier of the employee group.
employeeGroup.self string uri A unique link reference to the employee group item.
employeeNumber integer 1 The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
name string 250 The name of the employee
phone string 250 The phone number of the employee
self string uri A unique link reference to the employee item.

Get specific Employee

GET /employees/:employeeId

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Filterable properties

barred, email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone

Sortable properties

email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone


Name Type Format Max length Min value Description
barred boolean Shows if the employee is barred from being used.
bookedInvoices string uri A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference.
customers string uri A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference.
draftInvoices string uri A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference.
email string 250 The email address of the employee
employeeGroup object The group to which the employee belongs.
employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber integer 1 The unique identifier of the employee group.
employeeGroup.self string uri A unique link reference to the employee group item.
employeeNumber integer 1 The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
name string 250 The name of the employee
phone string 250 The phone number of the employee
self string uri A unique link reference to the employee item.

Get Customers for Employee

GET /employees/:employeeId/customers


Financial entries are always exposed in the context of another entity. The contexts provided right now are /accounting-years and /accounts.

Get Entries on Account

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:year/entries

Get Entries on Account in Period

GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:year/periods/:period/entries

Get Entries in Accounting year

GET /accounting-years/:year/entries

Get Entries in Period

GET /accounting-years/:year/periods/:period/entries

Entry Subtypes

The Entry subtypes collection contains all the supported types of financial Entries in Reviso.

Get Entry Subtypes

GET /entry-subtypes

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote Type of the entry.
hideInUi boolean
isAcrossAccountingYears boolean
isNumberSeriesCreationAllowed boolean
isVoucherCreationAllowed boolean
name string Name of the entry subtype.

Get specific Entry Subtype

GET /entry-subtypes/:entrySubtypeNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote Type of the entry.
hideInUi boolean
isAcrossAccountingYears boolean
isNumberSeriesCreationAllowed boolean
isVoucherCreationAllowed boolean
name string Name of the entry subtype.

Exempt Vat Codes

Get Exempt Vat Codes

GET /exempt-vat-codes

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
code string The code of the exempt vat code.
name string The name of the exempt vat code.

Get Specific Exempt Vat Code

GET /exempt-vat-codes/:vatCode

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
code string The code of the exempt vat code.
name string The name of the exempt vat code.


Sales invoices are rich entities that contain references to Products, Customers, Payment Terms, Layouts etc. They are created as editable drafts which can be booked and sent to a Customer.

You should use the /v2/invoices endpoints when working with invoices that are managed by Reviso. If you need to import invoices that are created in another system you should take a look at the Manual Customer Invoice Voucher endpoints instead.

Invoice entry point

GET /v2/invoices/

View response example

Get draft Invoices

GET /v2/invoices/drafts

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get draft Invoice

GET /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
lines.accruals object The start and end date of accruals
lines.deliveredQuantity number The delivered quantity.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.manuallyEditedSalesPrice boolean Indicated if sales price on line was manually edited
lines.marginInBaseCurrency number The margin in the base currency of the agreement.
lines.marginPercentage number The margin percentage.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.totalVatAmount number The total VAT amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit gross price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatInfo object Information about VAT for the line.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get draft Invoice as PDF

GET /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/pdf

Update draft Invoice

PUT /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Create draft Invoice

POST /v2/invoices/drafts/

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Delete all draft Invoices

DELETE /v2/invoices/drafts/

Delete draft Invoice

DELETE /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id integer A reference number for the sales document.

Attach PDF to draft Invoice

POST /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment

Example request
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'X-AgreementGrantToken: your_agreement_grant_token' \
  --header 'X-AppSecretToken: your_app_secret_token' \
  --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  --form '=@C:\path\to\your\file\file_name.pdf'

Delete PDF attachment

DELETE /v2/invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment

Book draft Invoice

POST /v2/invoices/booked

Book a single draft invoice by POST'ing its ID to /v2/invoices/booked like this:

    "id": 58

Get booked Invoices

GET /v2/invoices/booked

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get specific booked Invoice

GET /v2/invoices/booked/:bookedInvoiceNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific invoice lines.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.exemptVatCode object Exempt vat code for the line.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id of the document number line
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit net price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatAccount object The vat account of the invoice line.
lines.vatAmount number The total vat amount of the invoice line.
lines.vatRate number The vat rate of the invoice line.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing invoice's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get booked Invoice as PDF

GET /v2/invoices/booked/:bookedInvoiceNumber/pdf

Get all unpaid Invoices

GET /v2/invoices/unpaid

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get all paid Invoices

GET /v2/invoices/paid

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get all overdue Invoices

GET /v2/invoices/overdue

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get all Invoices that are not yet due.

GET /v2/invoices/not-due

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expenses
additionalExpenseLines.account object Account
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number string Additional expense name
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object The bank account used for the invoice
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bookedInvoiceNumber integer A reference number for the invoice.
countryCode string The country code used by the customer on this invoice.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
customer object The customer on the invoice.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Invoice issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on the invoice
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
displayInvoiceNumber string The human readable invoice number.
dueDate string full-date The date the invoice is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicInvoiceFiles object A link to manage this invoice electronically
electronicInvoiceFiles.downloadLink object
electronicInvoiceFiles.excludeDueDatePayments boolean
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileCreationDate string full-date
electronicInvoiceFiles.fileName string
electronicInvoiceFiles.invoice object
electronicInvoiceFiles.number integer
electronicInvoiceFiles.status object None, GeneratingFile, FileGenerated, FailedToGenerateFile
grossAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.deleted boolean A boolean indicating the deletion status of the layout.
layout.isDefault boolean True if the layout is the default selected by the user. This property is read only.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout. string The descriptive name of the layout.
netAmount number The total invoice amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the invoice.
notes.heading string The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice.
notes.textLine1 string The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.textLine2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice.
number integer Workflow number - assigned at first step, which could be order or draft
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the invoice.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this invoice. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this invoice.
project object References the project this invoice belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this invoice.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice.
references.salesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.vendorReference object A reference to the vender.
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
roundingAmount number True The total rounding error, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
splitPayment boolean The invoice's split payment regime indicator.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object The vat code that overrides vat for all lines
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote


Layouts are a collection of templates defining the appearance of certain documents (invoice, credit note, etc..).

For more information please look at the Design and layout online Help.

Get Layouts

GET /layouts

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Max length Description
deleted boolean A flag indicating that the layout is deleted. Layouts with this flag set will not appear in the collection of layouts, but resources such as booked invoices might still reference this layout.
layoutNumber integer A unique identifier of the layout.
name string 250 The name of the layout.
self string uri A unique link reference to the layout item.

Get specific Layout

GET /layouts/:layoutNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Max length Description
deleted boolean A flag indicating that the layout is deleted. Layouts with this flag set will not appear in the collection of layouts, but resources such as booked invoices might still reference this layout.
layoutNumber integer A unique identifier of the layout.
name string 250 The name of the layout.
self string uri A unique link reference to the layout item.


Lists available add-on modules for the current agreement.

Tip: Use GET /self to see which modules are enabled for the current agreement.

Read more about Reviso Add-on modules in our online help.

Get Modules

GET /modules

View response example

Get Modules for current agreement

GET /modules/agreement

View response example

Get specific Module

GET /modules/agreement/:moduleId

Number Series

Get Number Series

GET /number-series

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
allowGaps boolean Obsolete. Will be removed. A boolean value, indicating if gaps are allowed between the entry numbers.
entrySubtype object The entry sub type of the number series.
entrySubtype.entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entrySubtype.entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote Type of the entry.
entrySubtype.hideInUi boolean
entrySubtype.isAcrossAccountingYears boolean
entrySubtype.isNumberSeriesCreationAllowed boolean
entrySubtype.isVoucherCreationAllowed boolean string Name of the entry subtype.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The entry type of the number series.
isOrdered boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is an ordered number series. If left out, it means that the number series is not ordered
name string The name of the number series.
nameForSalesVATReport string The name of the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
peeks object An array of peek values for the number series.
peeks.accountingYear object The accounting year.
peeks.nextVoucherNumber integer The expected next voucher number.
prefix string The prefix for the number series.
prefixForSalesVATReport string The prefix for the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
sequenceType object Unordered, Ordered, Continious The sequence type describes the rules that the number series follows
systemGenerated boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is generated by the system.

Get specific Number Series

GET /number-series/:numberSeriesId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
allowGaps boolean Obsolete. Will be removed. A boolean value, indicating if gaps are allowed between the entry numbers.
entrySubtype object The entry sub type of the number series.
entrySubtype.entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entrySubtype.entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote Type of the entry.
entrySubtype.hideInUi boolean
entrySubtype.isAcrossAccountingYears boolean
entrySubtype.isNumberSeriesCreationAllowed boolean
entrySubtype.isVoucherCreationAllowed boolean string Name of the entry subtype.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The entry type of the number series.
isOrdered boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is an ordered number series. If left out, it means that the number series is not ordered
name string The name of the number series.
nameForSalesVATReport string The name of the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
peeks object An array of peek values for the number series.
peeks.accountingYear object The accounting year.
peeks.nextVoucherNumber integer The expected next voucher number.
prefix string The prefix for the number series.
prefixForSalesVATReport string The prefix for the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
sequenceType object Unordered, Ordered, Continious The sequence type describes the rules that the number series follows
systemGenerated boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is generated by the system.

Create Number Series

POST /number-series

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
allowGaps boolean Obsolete. Will be removed. A boolean value, indicating if gaps are allowed between the entry numbers.
entrySubtype object The entry sub type of the number series.
entrySubtype.entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The entry type of the number series.
isOrdered boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is an ordered number series. If left out, it means that the number series is not ordered
name string The name of the number series.
nameForSalesVATReport string The name of the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
peeks object An array of peek values for the number series.
prefix string The prefix for the number series.
prefixForSalesVATReport string The prefix for the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
sequenceType object Unordered, Ordered, Continious The sequence type describes the rules that the number series follows
systemGenerated boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is generated by the system.

Update Number Series

PUT /number-series/:numberSeriesId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
allowGaps boolean Obsolete. Will be removed. A boolean value, indicating if gaps are allowed between the entry numbers.
entrySubtype object The entry sub type of the number series.
entrySubtype.entrySubtypeNumber integer Unique numerical identifier of the resource.
entryType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The entry type of the number series.
isOrdered boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is an ordered number series. If left out, it means that the number series is not ordered
name string The name of the number series.
nameForSalesVATReport string The name of the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
peeks object An array of peek values for the number series.
prefix string The prefix for the number series.
prefixForSalesVATReport string The prefix for the number series used in Sales VAT Reports: only for Reverse Charge type.
sequenceType object Unordered, Ordered, Continious The sequence type describes the rules that the number series follows
systemGenerated boolean A boolean value, indicating if the number series is generated by the system.

Delete Number Series

DELETE /number-series/:numberSeriesId

Opening Balances

Read the blog post for more info and examples.

Get all Opening Balances

GET /opening-balances

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Description
booked boolean Whether or not the opening balance has been booked.
date string full-date Opening balance date.
lines object List of opening balance's lines.
lines.account object Account reference.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number The line amount specified in the base agreement currency.
lines.customer object Customer reference.
lines.department object Department which the opening balance line belongs to.
lines.documentDate string full-date Date of the external document.
lines.documentNumber string Reference to an external document number (e.g. supplier or customer invoice).
lines.dueDate string full-date Optional due date.
lines.entryNumber integer Numerical identifier for the single line.
lines.supplier object Supplier reference.
lines.text string A short description about the line.
voucherId integer Numerical identifier that is unique for the whole agreement.
voucherNumber object Numerical identifier that is unique within the Number Series and Accounting Year.
voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number

Get all drafts Opening Balances

GET /opening-balances/drafts

Get a specific draft Opening Balance

GET /opening-balances/drafts/:voucherId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
booked boolean Whether or not the opening balance has been booked.
date string full-date Opening balance date.
lines object List of opening balance's lines.
lines.account object Account reference.
lines.amountInBaseCurrency number The line amount specified in the base agreement currency.
lines.customer object Customer reference.
lines.department object Department which the opening balance line belongs to.
lines.documentDate string full-date Date of the external document.
lines.documentNumber string Reference to an external document number (e.g. supplier or customer invoice).
lines.dueDate string full-date Optional due date.
lines.entryNumber integer Numerical identifier for the single line.
lines.supplier object Supplier reference.
lines.text string A short description about the line.
voucherId integer Numerical identifier that is unique for the whole agreement.
voucherNumber object Numerical identifier that is unique within the Number Series and Accounting Year.
voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number

Get all booked Opening Balances

GET /opening-balances/booked

Get a specific booked Opening Balance

GET /opening-balances/booked/:voucherId

Create a new Opening Balance

POST /opening-balances/drafts

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

date, lines


Name Type Format Description
booked boolean Whether or not the opening balance has been booked.
date string full-date Opening balance date.
lines object List of opening balance's lines.
voucherId integer Numerical identifier that is unique for the whole agreement.
voucherNumber object Numerical identifier that is unique within the Number Series and Accounting Year.

Book an existing Opening Balance

POST /opening-balances/booked

Update a draft Opening Balance

PUT /opening-balances/drafts/:voucherId

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

date, lines


Name Type Format Description
booked boolean Whether or not the opening balance has been booked.
date string full-date Opening balance date.
lines object List of opening balance's lines.
voucherId integer Numerical identifier that is unique for the whole agreement.
voucherNumber object Numerical identifier that is unique within the Number Series and Accounting Year.

Delete a draft Opening Balance

DELETE /opening-balances/drafts/:voucherId


Get Orders

GET /orders

View response example

Note: additional expenses are not yet supported on orders

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
lines.accruals object The start and end date of accruals
lines.deliveredQuantity number The delivered quantity.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.manuallyEditedSalesPrice boolean Indicated if sales price on line was manually edited
lines.marginInBaseCurrency number The margin in the base currency of the agreement.
lines.marginPercentage number The margin percentage.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.totalVatAmount number The total VAT amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit gross price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatInfo object Information about VAT for the line.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get specific Order

GET /orders/:orderNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
lines.accruals object The start and end date of accruals
lines.deliveredQuantity number The delivered quantity.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.manuallyEditedSalesPrice boolean Indicated if sales price on line was manually edited
lines.marginInBaseCurrency number The margin in the base currency of the agreement.
lines.marginPercentage number The margin percentage.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.totalVatAmount number The total VAT amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit gross price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatInfo object Information about VAT for the line.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Create Order

POST /orders

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Update Order

PUT /orders/:orderNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Delete Order

DELETE /orders

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id integer A reference number for the sales document.

Attach PDF to Order

POST /orders/:orderNumber/attachment

Example request
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'X-AgreementGrantToken: your_agreement_grant_token' \
  --header 'X-AppSecretToken: your_app_secret_token' \
  --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  --form '=@C:\path\to\your\file\file_name.pdf'

Delete PDF attachment

DELETE /orders/:orderNumber/attachment

Payment Bank Accounts

Payment Bank Accounts

GET /payment-management/bank-accounts

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object The account linked to the bank.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bank object The payment bank.
bank.edition object None, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Com, Eu, Uk, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable, NewDenmark Edition where the bank is available. string Bank name.
bank.paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankAgreementNumber string The bank agreement number.
iban string The bank account Iban.
isIntegrationAccount boolean The bank account is bound to an external integration service.
paymentBankAccountNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment bank account.
sbfAccount object The effetti SBF account for the Distinta workflow.
sbfAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
sepaCuc string The SEPA CUC code.
sepaId string The SEPA ID code.
siaCode string The SIA code.
sortCode string The bank sort code.
swiftCode string The bank swift code.

Get specific Payment Bank Account

GET /payment-management/bank-accounts/:paymentBankAccountNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object The account linked to the bank.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bank object The payment bank.
bank.edition object None, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Com, Eu, Uk, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable, NewDenmark Edition where the bank is available. string Bank name.
bank.paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankAgreementNumber string The bank agreement number.
iban string The bank account Iban.
isIntegrationAccount boolean The bank account is bound to an external integration service.
paymentBankAccountNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment bank account.
sbfAccount object The effetti SBF account for the Distinta workflow.
sbfAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
sepaCuc string The SEPA CUC code.
sepaId string The SEPA ID code.
siaCode string The SIA code.
sortCode string The bank sort code.
swiftCode string The bank swift code.

Create Payment Bank Account

POST /payment-management/bank-accounts

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, bank, sbfAccount


Name Type Description
account object The account linked to the bank.
bank object The payment bank.
bank.paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankAgreementNumber string The bank agreement number.
iban string The bank account Iban.
isIntegrationAccount boolean The bank account is bound to an external integration service.
paymentBankAccountNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment bank account.
sbfAccount object The effetti SBF account for the Distinta workflow.
sepaCuc string The SEPA CUC code.
sepaId string The SEPA ID code.
siaCode string The SIA code.
sortCode string The bank sort code.
swiftCode string The bank swift code.

Update Payment Bank Account

PUT /payment-management/bank-accounts/:paymentBankAccountNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, bank, sbfAccount


Name Type Description
account object The account linked to the bank.
bank object The payment bank.
bank.paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankAgreementNumber string The bank agreement number.
iban string The bank account Iban.
isIntegrationAccount boolean The bank account is bound to an external integration service.
paymentBankAccountNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment bank account.
sbfAccount object The effetti SBF account for the Distinta workflow.
sepaCuc string The SEPA CUC code.
sepaId string The SEPA ID code.
siaCode string The SIA code.
sortCode string The bank sort code.
swiftCode string The bank swift code.

Delete Payment Bank Account

DELETE /payment-management/bank-accounts/:paymentBankAccountNumber

Payment Banks

Get Payment Banks

GET /payment-management/banks

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
edition object None, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Com, Eu, Uk, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable, NewDenmark Edition where the bank is available.
name string Bank name.
paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.

Get specific Payment Bank

GET /payment-management/banks/:paymentBankNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
edition object None, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Com, Eu, Uk, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable, NewDenmark Edition where the bank is available.
name string Bank name.
paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.

Payment Management

Documents Payment panagement

Payment Bank Accounts

GET /payment-management/bank-accounts

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object The account linked to the bank.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
bank object The payment bank.
bank.edition object None, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Com, Eu, Uk, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable, NewDenmark Edition where the bank is available. string Bank name.
bank.paymentBankNumber integer Bank identification number.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankAgreementNumber string The bank agreement number.
iban string The bank account Iban.
isIntegrationAccount boolean The bank account is bound to an external integration service.
paymentBankAccountNumber integer The unique identifier of the payment bank account.
sbfAccount object The effetti SBF account for the Distinta workflow.
sbfAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
sepaCuc string The SEPA CUC code.
sepaId string The SEPA ID code.
siaCode string The SIA code.
sortCode string The bank sort code.
swiftCode string The bank swift code.

Get a single object of the Document

GET /payment-management/documents/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The number of the account integer
bankAccount.self string
currency string The name of the currency.
date string full-date Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
id object The Id of the document.
owner object A single object of bank account owner
owner.entityNumber integer The number of the owner.
owner.type object None, Customer, Supplier Type of the owner. It can be None = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
rates object A list of currency rates
rates.amount number The amount of entry.
rates.amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
rates.distintaDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
rates.dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
rates.electronicBankDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
rates.electronicBankDocumentType string The export file for the bank e.g SEPA, RIBA and etc.
rates.exportDate string full-date The date of the exported rate.
rates.exported boolean Shows true if the rate has been exported.
rates.exportId string The id of the exported rates. object The Id of payment rate item.
rates.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
rates.matches object The list of the matches where you have any rate.
rates.method object The method of paying the payment, like: cash, check, payment card and etc.
rates.paidAmount number The total paid amount.
rates.self string A unique link reference to the payment rate item.
rates.status object The status of the rate. It can be Unassigned = 0, Open = 1, Exported = 2, PartiallyPaid = 3, Paid = 4, OpenPayment = 5, PartiallyMatchedPayment = 6, MatchedPayment = 7
rates.voucherLineText string A short description about the voucher line.
self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice The Type of document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2.
voucher object A single object of the related voucher. string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is part of the unique identifier of a voucher. The other part of the unique identifier is the voucherId. object The Id of voucher.
voucher.voucherNumber string The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
voucher.voucherText string A short description about the voucher.

GET /payment-management/documents

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The number of the account integer
bankAccount.self string
currency string The name of the currency.
date string full-date Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
id object The Id of the document.
owner object A single object of bank account owner
owner.entityNumber integer The number of the owner.
owner.type object None, Customer, Supplier Type of the owner. It can be None = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
rates object A list of currency rates
rates.amount number The amount of entry.
rates.amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
rates.distintaDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
rates.dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
rates.electronicBankDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
rates.electronicBankDocumentType string The export file for the bank e.g SEPA, RIBA and etc.
rates.exportDate string full-date The date of the exported rate.
rates.exported boolean Shows true if the rate has been exported.
rates.exportId string The id of the exported rates. object The Id of payment rate item.
rates.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
rates.matches object The list of the matches where you have any rate.
rates.method object The method of paying the payment, like: cash, check, payment card and etc.
rates.paidAmount number The total paid amount.
rates.self string A unique link reference to the payment rate item.
rates.status object The status of the rate. It can be Unassigned = 0, Open = 1, Exported = 2, PartiallyPaid = 3, Paid = 4, OpenPayment = 5, PartiallyMatchedPayment = 6, MatchedPayment = 7
rates.voucherLineText string A short description about the voucher line.
self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice The Type of document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2.
voucher object A single object of the related voucher. string full-date Voucher issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is part of the unique identifier of a voucher. The other part of the unique identifier is the voucherId. object The Id of voucher.
voucher.voucherNumber string The number series corresponding to the voucher type.
voucher.voucherText string A short description about the voucher.

Update a Documents

PUT /payment-management/documents/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

bankAccount, currency, owner, self, voucher


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The total entry amount.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The number of the account
currency string The name of the currency.
date string full-date Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
id object The Id of the document.
owner object A single object of bank account owner
rates object A list of currency rates
self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice The Type of document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2.
voucher object A single object of the related voucher.

Delete a Document

DELETE /payment-management/documents/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object



GET /payment-management/documents/:id/matches/:matchId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id object The Id of the matched
matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
originPaymentRate.currency string The name of currency.
originPaymentRate.document object A single object referencing a Document. object
originPaymentRate.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
originPaymentRate.self string
originPaymentRate.totalAmount number The total amount.
self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.
targetPaymentRate.currency string The name of currency.
targetPaymentRate.document object A single object referencing a Document. object
targetPaymentRate.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
targetPaymentRate.self string
targetPaymentRate.totalAmount number The total amount.

GET /payment-management/documents/:Id/rates/:rateId/matches

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
id object The Id of the matched
matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
originPaymentRate.currency string The name of currency.
originPaymentRate.document object A single object referencing a Document. object
originPaymentRate.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
originPaymentRate.self string
originPaymentRate.totalAmount number The total amount.
self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.
targetPaymentRate.currency string The name of currency.
targetPaymentRate.document object A single object referencing a Document. object
targetPaymentRate.invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
targetPaymentRate.self string
targetPaymentRate.totalAmount number The total amount.

Update a list of Matches

PUT /payment-management/documents/:id/rates/rateId/matches

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

matchedAmount, originPaymentRate, self, targetPaymentRate


Name Type Description
id object The Id of the matched
matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.

Export Rate Payment panagement

Get a single object of the Exports

GET /payment-management/exports/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
bankAccountNumber integer The bank account of the exported rates
documents object A list of document which is related to the exported rate.
documents.contentLink string The external link of the contect.
documents.documentIdentifier string The unique identifier of the document.
documents.documentName string The name of the document.
documents.documentType string The type of the document. object The Id of the item.
documents.self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
exportDateTime string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportedRates object A list of exported rate.
exportedRates.amount number Amount of the rate.
exportedRates.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
exportedRates.cup string Public administration project reference.
exportedRates.currency string The currency the exported rate is specified in.
exportedRates.dueDate string full-date The date the rate is due for payment. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'. object The Id of exported rate.
exportedRates.invoiceDate string full-date Date of the related invoice.
exportedRates.invoiceReference string Reference to the parent invoice.
exportedRates.ownerAddress string Address for the owner including street and number.
exportedRates.ownerBankAccount string The owners's Bank Account.
exportedRates.ownerCity string The owners's city.
exportedRates.ownerCoRegNo string The owners's Company Registration Code.
exportedRates.ownerCountry string The owners's country.
exportedRates.ownerCvrNo string Danish Company Identification Number for the owner.
exportedRates.ownerDirectDebitMandateDate string full-date The owner's direct debit authorization date.
exportedRates.ownerEntityNumber integer The number of the owner.
exportedRates.ownerIBAN string The owners's bank account IBAN.
exportedRates.ownerMandateID string The owner's authorization unique Id
exportedRates.ownerName string The name of the owner.
exportedRates.ownerProvinceCode string The owners's province code.
exportedRates.ownerSwiftCode string The bank swift code.
exportedRates.ownerType object Customer, Supplier The type of owner. It can be Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
exportedRates.ownerVatNo string The owners's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the OwnerCvrNo property.
exportedRates.ownerZipCode string The owners's postcode.
exportedRates.rateNumber integer The number of the rate.
exportedRates.self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
exportedRates.sourceRateId object The original Id of exported rate.
exportedRates.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
exportType string The type of the exported rates
id object The id of the exported rates
self string A unique link reference to the item.

GET /payment-management/exports

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Values Description
bankAccountNumber integer The bank account of the exported rates
documents object A list of document which is related to the exported rate.
documents.contentLink string The external link of the contect.
documents.documentIdentifier string The unique identifier of the document.
documents.documentName string The name of the document.
documents.documentType string The type of the document. object The Id of the item.
documents.self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
exportDateTime string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportedRates object A list of exported rate.
exportedRates.amount number Amount of the rate.
exportedRates.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
exportedRates.cup string Public administration project reference.
exportedRates.currency string The currency the exported rate is specified in.
exportedRates.dueDate string full-date The date the rate is due for payment. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'. object The Id of exported rate.
exportedRates.invoiceDate string full-date Date of the related invoice.
exportedRates.invoiceReference string Reference to the parent invoice.
exportedRates.ownerAddress string Address for the owner including street and number.
exportedRates.ownerBankAccount string The owners's Bank Account.
exportedRates.ownerCity string The owners's city.
exportedRates.ownerCoRegNo string The owners's Company Registration Code.
exportedRates.ownerCountry string The owners's country.
exportedRates.ownerCvrNo string Danish Company Identification Number for the owner.
exportedRates.ownerDirectDebitMandateDate string full-date The owner's direct debit authorization date.
exportedRates.ownerEntityNumber integer The number of the owner.
exportedRates.ownerIBAN string The owners's bank account IBAN.
exportedRates.ownerMandateID string The owner's authorization unique Id
exportedRates.ownerName string The name of the owner.
exportedRates.ownerProvinceCode string The owners's province code.
exportedRates.ownerSwiftCode string The bank swift code.
exportedRates.ownerType object Customer, Supplier The type of owner. It can be Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
exportedRates.ownerVatNo string The owners's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the OwnerCvrNo property.
exportedRates.ownerZipCode string The owners's postcode.
exportedRates.rateNumber integer The number of the rate.
exportedRates.self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.
exportedRates.sourceRateId object The original Id of exported rate.
exportedRates.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
exportType string The type of the exported rates
id object The id of the exported rates
self string A unique link reference to the item.

Update an Export item

PUT /payment-management/exports/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

bankAccountNumber, exportDateTime, exportType, id, self


Name Type Format Description
bankAccountNumber integer The bank account of the exported rates
documents object A list of document which is related to the exported rate.
exportDateTime string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportedRates object A list of exported rate.
exportType string The type of the exported rates
id object The id of the exported rates
self string A unique link reference to the item.

Insert an Export item

POST /payment-management/exports/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

bankAccountNumber, exportDateTime, exportType, id, self


Name Type Format Description
bankAccountNumber integer The bank account of the exported rates
documents object A list of document which is related to the exported rate.
exportDateTime string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportedRates object A list of exported rate.
exportType string The type of the exported rates
id object The id of the exported rates
self string A unique link reference to the item.

Delete an Export item

DELETE /payment-management/exports/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object



Get a single object of the Rate Export Document

GET /payment-management/exports/:exportId/documents/:documentId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
contentLink string The external link of the contect.
documentIdentifier string The unique identifier of the document.
documentName string The name of the document.
documentType string The type of the document.
id object The Id of the item.
self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.

Get a single object of the Rate Export Document

GET /payment-management/exports/:exportId/documents/:documentId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
contentLink string The external link of the contect.
documentIdentifier string The unique identifier of the document.
documentName string The name of the document.
documentType string The type of the document.
id object The Id of the item.
self string The unique self reference of the attachment item.

GET /payment-management/exports/:exportId/documents/:documentId/content

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
chars object
length integer

Download a Content

GET /payment-management/exports/:exportId/documents/:documentId/download

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
chars object
length integer

Payment Rate Method of Payment panagement

Get a single object of the Payment Rate Method

GET /payment-management/payment-method/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id integer
name string The name of payment rate method.
self string

Get a list of Payment Rate Method

GET /payment-management/payment-method

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
id integer
name string The name of payment rate method.
self string

Rate Status, Payment panagement

Get a single object of the Rate Status

GET /payment-management/rate-status/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id integer
name string The name of payment rate status
self string

Get a list of Rate Status

GET /payment-management/rate-status

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
id integer
name string The name of payment rate status
self string

Rates of Payment panagement

Get a single object of the Rate

GET /payment-management/rates/:id

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The amount of entry.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The bank account number. integer
bankAccount.self string
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
distintaDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
document object A single onject of the payment rate document. string full-date Document date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). object
document.self string
document.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
document.totalNumberOfRates integer The total number of rates.
document.type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice Type of the document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2,
document.voucher object The object of the voucher this document belongs to.
document.voucher.status object None, Synchronized, Deleted The status of the external entity. It can be None = 0, Synchronized = 1 or Deleted = 2.
document.voucher.type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceEntry, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualCustomerInvoice, OpeningBalance The type of the voucher. It can be CustomerInvoice = 1, CustomerPayment = 2, SupplierInvoice = 3, SupplierPayment = 4, FinanceEntry = 5, Reminder = 6, OpeningEntry = 7, TransferredOpeningEntry = 8, SystemEntry = 9, ManualCustomerInvoice = 10 or OpeningBalance = 11.
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicBankDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
electronicBankDocumentType string The export file for the bank e.g SEPA, RIBA and etc.
exportDate string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportId string The id of the exported rates.
id object The Id of display payment rate item.
invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
matches object The list of the matches where you have any rate. object The Id of the matched
matches.matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matches.matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
matches.originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
matches.self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
matches.targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.
method object The method of paying the payment. integer string The name of payment rate method.
method.self string
owner object Bank account owner.
owner.address string Address for the owner including street and number.
owner.bankAccount string Bank Account. string The customer's city.
owner.coRegNo string The company registration number. string The owners's country.
owner.cvrNo string Company Identification Number in Denmark.
owner.entityNumber integer The number of entity.
owner.iban string The owners's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
owner.mandateID string The owner's Mandate ID. string The name of the payment rate owner.
owner.ownerDirectDebitMandateDate string full-date Owner's Direct debit authorization date
owner.provinceCode string The province code
owner.swiftCode string The bank swift code.
owner.type object None, Customer, Supplier The type of owner. It can be None = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
owner.vatNo string The owners's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the ciNumber property.
owner.zipCode string The owners's postcode.
rateNumber integer The rate number
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
self string A unique link reference to the payment rate item.
status object The status of the rate. It can be Unassigned = 0, Open = 1, Exported = 2, PartiallyPaid = 3, Paid = 4, OpenPayment = 5, PartiallyMatchedPayment = 6, MatchedPayment = 7 integer
status.self string
text string A short description about the payment rate.
totalAmount number The total amount of entry.
type object NotAcknowledged, Customer, Supplier The type of payment rate. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.

Get a list of Rate Status

GET /payment-management/rates

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The amount of entry.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The bank account number. integer
bankAccount.self string
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
distintaDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
document object A single onject of the payment rate document. string full-date Document date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). object
document.self string
document.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
document.totalNumberOfRates integer The total number of rates.
document.type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice Type of the document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2,
document.voucher object The object of the voucher this document belongs to.
document.voucher.status object None, Synchronized, Deleted The status of the external entity. It can be None = 0, Synchronized = 1 or Deleted = 2.
document.voucher.type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceEntry, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualCustomerInvoice, OpeningBalance The type of the voucher. It can be CustomerInvoice = 1, CustomerPayment = 2, SupplierInvoice = 3, SupplierPayment = 4, FinanceEntry = 5, Reminder = 6, OpeningEntry = 7, TransferredOpeningEntry = 8, SystemEntry = 9, ManualCustomerInvoice = 10 or OpeningBalance = 11.
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicBankDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
electronicBankDocumentType string The export file for the bank e.g SEPA, RIBA and etc.
exportDate string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportId string The id of the exported rates.
id object The Id of display payment rate item.
invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
matches object The list of the matches where you have any rate. object The Id of the matched
matches.matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matches.matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
matches.originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
matches.self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
matches.targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.
method object The method of paying the payment. integer string The name of payment rate method.
method.self string
owner object Bank account owner.
owner.address string Address for the owner including street and number.
owner.bankAccount string Bank Account. string The customer's city.
owner.coRegNo string The company registration number. string The owners's country.
owner.cvrNo string Company Identification Number in Denmark.
owner.entityNumber integer The number of entity.
owner.iban string The owners's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
owner.mandateID string The owner's Mandate ID. string The name of the payment rate owner.
owner.ownerDirectDebitMandateDate string full-date Owner's Direct debit authorization date
owner.provinceCode string The province code
owner.swiftCode string The bank swift code.
owner.type object None, Customer, Supplier The type of owner. It can be None = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
owner.vatNo string The owners's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the ciNumber property.
owner.zipCode string The owners's postcode.
rateNumber integer The rate number
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
self string A unique link reference to the payment rate item.
status object The status of the rate. It can be Unassigned = 0, Open = 1, Exported = 2, PartiallyPaid = 3, Paid = 4, OpenPayment = 5, PartiallyMatchedPayment = 6, MatchedPayment = 7 integer
status.self string
text string A short description about the payment rate.
totalAmount number The total amount of entry.
type object NotAcknowledged, Customer, Supplier The type of payment rate. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.

Get a list of Summaries

GET /payment-management/rates/summary

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Values Description
amount number The amount of entry.
amountInBaseCurrency number The total entry amount in base currency.
bankAccount object The bank account number. integer
bankAccount.self string
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice.
distintaDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
document object A single onject of the payment rate document. string full-date Document date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). object
document.self string
document.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
document.totalNumberOfRates integer The total number of rates.
document.type object NotAcknowledged, Payment, Invoice Type of the document. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Payment = 1 or Invoice = 2,
document.voucher object The object of the voucher this document belongs to.
document.voucher.status object None, Synchronized, Deleted The status of the external entity. It can be None = 0, Synchronized = 1 or Deleted = 2.
document.voucher.type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceEntry, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualCustomerInvoice, OpeningBalance The type of the voucher. It can be CustomerInvoice = 1, CustomerPayment = 2, SupplierInvoice = 3, SupplierPayment = 4, FinanceEntry = 5, Reminder = 6, OpeningEntry = 7, TransferredOpeningEntry = 8, SystemEntry = 9, ManualCustomerInvoice = 10 or OpeningBalance = 11.
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
electronicBankDocumentLink string The reference to the group of the exported rates.
electronicBankDocumentType string The export file for the bank e.g SEPA, RIBA and etc.
exportDate string full-date The date of the exported rate.
exportId string The id of the exported rates.
id object The Id of display payment rate item.
invoiceNumber string A reference number for the invoice.
matches object The list of the matches where you have any rate. object The Id of the matched
matches.matchedAmount number The amount of the matched.
matches.matchedAmountInBaseCurrency number Total amount of thr matched based on the base currency.
matches.originPaymentRate object The rate that is origin of the matched.
matches.self string The unique self reference of the matched item.
matches.targetPaymentRate object The target rate of the matched.
method object The method of paying the payment. integer string The name of payment rate method.
method.self string
owner object Bank account owner.
owner.address string Address for the owner including street and number.
owner.bankAccount string Bank Account. string The customer's city.
owner.coRegNo string The company registration number. string The owners's country.
owner.cvrNo string Company Identification Number in Denmark.
owner.entityNumber integer The number of entity.
owner.iban string The owners's iban. Must match a proper IBAN- example: DE44500105175407324931
owner.mandateID string The owner's Mandate ID. string The name of the payment rate owner.
owner.ownerDirectDebitMandateDate string full-date Owner's Direct debit authorization date
owner.provinceCode string The province code
owner.swiftCode string The bank swift code.
owner.type object None, Customer, Supplier The type of owner. It can be None = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.
owner.vatNo string The owners's value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland and Finland. Not to be mistaken for the danish CVR number, which is defined on the ciNumber property.
owner.zipCode string The owners's postcode.
rateNumber integer The rate number
remainder number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice.
remainderInBaseCurrency number The total remainder, if any, on the invoice in base currency.
self string A unique link reference to the payment rate item.
status object The status of the rate. It can be Unassigned = 0, Open = 1, Exported = 2, PartiallyPaid = 3, Paid = 4, OpenPayment = 5, PartiallyMatchedPayment = 6, MatchedPayment = 7 integer
status.self string
text string A short description about the payment rate.
totalAmount number The total amount of entry.
type object NotAcknowledged, Customer, Supplier The type of payment rate. It can be NotAcknowledged = 0, Customer = 1 or Supplier = 2.

Payment Info

Get Payment Info

GET /payment-management/payment-info

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Values Description
isReadOnly boolean Indicates whether the entity is editable or not.
lines object The list of every line in the payment.
lines.amount number Line amount.
lines.amountBaseCurrency number Line amount value in the base currency.
lines.bankAccountNumber integer Bank account line is associated with.
lines.dueDate string full-date Due date.
lines.exports object
lines.exports.type object SepaDirectDebit, CbiSepaDirectDebit, CbiSepaDirectCredit, Riba, BankFile, SepaDirectCredit The type of the current export.
lines.lineNumber integer Unique line number.
lines.paymentCreditorIdentifier string Creditor ID of the payment type chosen - IBAN, etc.
lines.paymentIdentifier string Custom message associated with the payment type chosen.
lines.paymentTypeId integer Type of the payment made: cash, wire transfer, etc.
lines.remainderBaseCurrency number Remainder value in the base currency.
lines.status object Paid, PartiallyPaid, NotOpen, Open, Exported Line status.
paymentInfoNumber integer Unique payment info identifier. This is not set for payments or draft invoices, as they cannot be changed.
type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierCreditNote, SupplierPayment The payment type.
version2Draft boolean
voucherSummary object The referenced voucher summary.
voucherSummary.currency object Currency reference.
voucherSummary.customer object The customer reference, if applicable.
voucherSummary.customer.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
voucherSummary.displayNumber string The voucher's displayed number.
voucherSummary.grossAmountBaseCurrency number The voucher gross amount in the base currency
voucherSummary.salesInvoice object Invoice reference.
voucherSummary.supplier object The supplier reference, if applicable.
voucherSummary.supplierInvoice object Supplier Invoice reference.
voucherSummary.voucher object The voucher reference.
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get specific Payment Info

GET /payment-management/payment-info/:paymentInfoNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
isReadOnly boolean Indicates whether the entity is editable or not.
lines object The list of every line in the payment.
lines.amount number Line amount.
lines.amountBaseCurrency number Line amount value in the base currency.
lines.bankAccountNumber integer Bank account line is associated with.
lines.dueDate string full-date Due date.
lines.exports object
lines.exports.type object SepaDirectDebit, CbiSepaDirectDebit, CbiSepaDirectCredit, Riba, BankFile, SepaDirectCredit The type of the current export.
lines.lineNumber integer Unique line number.
lines.paymentCreditorIdentifier string Creditor ID of the payment type chosen - IBAN, etc.
lines.paymentIdentifier string Custom message associated with the payment type chosen.
lines.paymentTypeId integer Type of the payment made: cash, wire transfer, etc.
lines.remainderBaseCurrency number Remainder value in the base currency.
lines.status object Paid, PartiallyPaid, NotOpen, Open, Exported Line status.
paymentInfoNumber integer Unique payment info identifier. This is not set for payments or draft invoices, as they cannot be changed.
type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierCreditNote, SupplierPayment The payment type.
version2Draft boolean
voucherSummary object The referenced voucher summary.
voucherSummary.currency object Currency reference.
voucherSummary.customer object The customer reference, if applicable.
voucherSummary.customer.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
voucherSummary.displayNumber string The voucher's displayed number.
voucherSummary.grossAmountBaseCurrency number The voucher gross amount in the base currency
voucherSummary.salesInvoice object Invoice reference.
voucherSummary.supplier object The supplier reference, if applicable.
voucherSummary.supplierInvoice object Supplier Invoice reference.
voucherSummary.voucher object The voucher reference.
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucherSummary.voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Update Payment Info

PUT /payment-management/payment-info/:paymentInfoNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Values Description
isReadOnly boolean Indicates whether the entity is editable or not.
lines object The list of every line in the payment.
lines.lineNumber integer Unique line number.
paymentInfoNumber integer Unique payment info identifier. This is not set for payments or draft invoices, as they cannot be changed.
type object CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierCreditNote, SupplierPayment The payment type.
version2Draft boolean
voucherSummary object The referenced voucher summary.

Get Customer payments

GET /payment-management/payment-info/customers

Filter only customer related payments.

Get Supplier payments

GET /payment-management/payment-info/suppliers

Filter only supplier related payments.

Export due payments

POST /payment-management/payment-info/export

Export XML file of due bank payments.

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are the different ways your customers can pay you in regards to, type of payment, days of credit etc.

For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get Payment Terms

GET /payment-terms

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.

Required property



Name Type Format Max length Values Description
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account for prepaid amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.accountNumber integer The account number for the contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for prepaid amount item.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for remainder amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.accountNumber integer The account number for the contraAccountForRemainderAmount.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for remainder amount item.
creditCardCompany object The credit card company of the payment term.
creditCardCompany.customerNumber integer The credit card company customer number.
creditCardCompany.self string uri A unique link reference to the credit card company customer item.
daysOfCredit integer The number of days before payment must be made.
description string 1000 A description of the payment term.
monthsOfCredit integer The number of months before payment must be made.
name string 50 The name of the payment term.
paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTermsType Enum net, invoiceMonth, paidInCash, prepaid, dueDate, factoring, invoiceWeekStartingSunday, invoiceWeekStartingMonday, creditcard, timeTable, endOfMonth The type of payment term.
percentageForPrepaidAmount number The % to be pre paid.
percentageForRemainderAmount number The % to be post paid.
self string uri A unique link reference to the payment term item.

Get specific Payment Terms

GET /payment-terms/:paymentTermsNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Format Max length Values Description
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account for prepaid amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for prepaid amount item.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for remainder amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for remainder amount item.
creditCardCompany object The credit card company of the payment term.
creditCardCompany.customerNumber integer The credit card company customer number.
creditCardCompany.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer item.
daysOfCredit integer The number of days before payment must be made.
description string 1000 A description of the payment term.
monthsOfCredit integer The number of months before payment must be made.
name string 50 The name of the payment term.
paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTermsType Enum net, invoiceMonth, paidInCash, prepaid, dueDate, factoring, invoiceWeekStartingSunday, invoiceWeekStartingMonday, creditcard, timeTable, endOfMonth The type of payment term defines how the payment term behaves.
percentageForPrepaidAmount number The % to be pre paid.
percentageForRemainderAmount number The % to be post paid.
self string uri A unique link reference to the payment term item.

Create Payment Terms

POST /payment-terms

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

name, paymentTermsType


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account for prepaid amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for prepaid amount item.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for remainder amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for remainder amount item.
creditCardCompany object The credit card company of the payment term.
creditCardCompany.customerNumber integer The credit card company customer number.
creditCardCompany.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer item.
daysOfCredit integer The number of days before payment must be made.
description string 1000 A description of the payment term.
monthsOfCredit integer The number of months before payment must be made.
name string 50 The name of the payment term.
paymentTermsType Enum net, invoiceMonth, paidInCash, prepaid, dueDate, factoring, invoiceWeekStartingSunday, invoiceWeekStartingMonday, creditcard, timeTable, endOfMonth The type of payment term.
percentageForPrepaidAmount number The % to be pre paid.
percentageForRemainderAmount number The % to be post paid.

Update Payment Terms

PUT /payment-terms/:paymentTermsNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

name, paymentTermsType


Name Type Format Max length Values Description
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account for prepaid amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForPrepaidAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for prepaid amount item.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for remainder amount of the payment term.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.accountNumber integer The account number of the contra account.
contraAccountForRemainderAmount.self string uri A unique link reference to the contra account for remainder amount item.
creditCardCompany object The credit card company of the payment term.
creditCardCompany.customerNumber integer The credit card company customer number.
creditCardCompany.self string uri A unique link reference to the customer item.
daysOfCredit integer The number of days before payment must be made.
description string 1000 A description of the payment term.
monthsOfCredit integer The number of months before payment must be made.
name string 50 The name of the payment term.
paymentTermsType Enum net, invoiceMonth, paidInCash, prepaid, dueDate, factoring, invoiceWeekStartingSunday, invoiceWeekStartingMonday, creditcard, timeTable, endOfMonth The type of payment term.
percentageForPrepaidAmount number The % to be pre paid.
percentageForRemainderAmount number The % to be pre paid.

Delete Payment Terms

DELETE /payment-terms/:paymentTermsNumber

Payment Types

Get Payment Types

GET /payment-types

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Values Description
fields object List of the payment type's fields.
fields.dataType object String, Integer Data type of the payment type field.
fields.description string Field's description.
fields.maximumLength integer Maximum length of the field.
fields.minimumLength integer Minimum length of the field. string Field's name
fields.paymentTypeFieldNumber integer Unique numeric identifier.
name string Payment type's name.
paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.

Get specific Payment Type

GET /payment-types/:paymentTypeNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
fields object List of the payment type's fields.
fields.dataType object String, Integer Data type of the payment type field.
fields.description string Field's description.
fields.maximumLength integer Maximum length of the field.
fields.minimumLength integer Minimum length of the field. string Field's name
fields.paymentTypeFieldNumber integer Unique numeric identifier.
name string Payment type's name.
paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.

Price Groups

Get Price Groups

GET /price-groups

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
name string The name of the price group.
priceGroupNumber integer The number of the price group.
products object The list of products the price group has special prices for.
products.product object The product the price is for.
products.specialPriceBaseCurrency number The price in the base currency.
products.specialPrices object The prices as defined in other currencies.

Get specific Price Group

GET /price-groups/:priceGroupNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
name string The name of the price group.
priceGroupNumber integer The number of the price group.
products object The list of products the price group has special prices for.
products.product object The product the price is for.
products.specialPriceBaseCurrency number The price in the base currency.
products.specialPrices object The prices as defined in other currencies.

Product Groups

Products are organized in Product groups.

You can read more about Product groups on our Online Help.

Get Product Groups

GET /product-groups

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Description
accrual object The accrual account of the product group.
accrual.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
hasDeduction boolean Whether or not deductions should apply.
includeInProjects boolean Whether or not we should include the product group in projects.
inventory object Inventory object containing references to sales and purchase account.
inventory.purchaseAccount object
inventory.salesAccount object
inventoryEnabled boolean Whether or not the inventory is enabled for this product group.
name string Name of the product group.
productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
products object A link to the product in the product group.
salesAccounts object A link to the sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList object List of sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList.salesAccount object
salesAccountsList.vatZone object

Get specific Product Group

GET /product-groups/:productGroupNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Description
accrual object The accrual account of the product group.
accrual.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
hasDeduction boolean Whether or not deductions should apply.
includeInProjects boolean Whether or not we should include the product group in projects.
inventory object Inventory object containing references to sales and purchase account.
inventory.purchaseAccount object
inventory.salesAccount object
inventoryEnabled boolean Whether or not the inventory is enabled for this product group.
name string Name of the product group.
productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
products object A link to the product in the product group.
salesAccounts object A link to the sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList object List of sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList.salesAccount object
salesAccountsList.vatZone object

Create Product Group

POST /product-groups

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

name, productGroupNumber, salesAccountsList


Name Type Description
accrual object The accrual account of the product group.
hasDeduction boolean Whether or not deductions should apply.
includeInProjects boolean Whether or not we should include the product group in projects.
inventory object Inventory object containing references to sales and purchase account.
inventoryEnabled boolean Whether or not the inventory is enabled for this product group.
name string Name of the product group.
productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
products object A link to the product in the product group.
salesAccounts object A link to the sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList object List of sales accounts in the product group.

Update Product Group

PUT /product-groups/:productGroupNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

name, productGroupNumber, salesAccountsList


Name Type Description
accrual object The accrual account of the product group.
hasDeduction boolean Whether or not deductions should apply.
includeInProjects boolean Whether or not we should include the product group in projects.
inventory object Inventory object containing references to sales and purchase account.
inventoryEnabled boolean Whether or not the inventory is enabled for this product group.
name string Name of the product group.
productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
products object A link to the product in the product group.
salesAccounts object A link to the sales accounts in the product group.
salesAccountsList object List of sales accounts in the product group.

Delete Product Group

DELETE /product-groups/:productGroupNumber

Get Sales Accounts for Product Group

GET /product-groups/:productGroupNumber/sales-accounts

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Description
salesAccount object
salesAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
vatZone object
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.

Get Products in Product Group

GET /product-groups/:productGroupNumber/products

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
barCode string String representation of a machine readable barcode symbol that represents this product.
barred boolean If this value is true, then the product can no longer be sold, and trying to book an invoice with this product will not be possible.
costPrice number True The cost of the goods. If you have the inventory module enabled, this is read-only and will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution object A reference to the department that will receive credit for the revenue generated by sales of this product. If you have set a value on this property you cannot set a value in the property distributionKey. You need to enable the Dimension module to use this. If dimension is not enabled this will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution.barred boolean Indicates whether or not the departmental distribution is barred.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer The unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.distributions object List of distributions with percentage for each department.
departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department string Name of the departmental distribution.
description string Free text description of product.
inventory object A collection of properties that are only applicable if the inventory module is enabled.
inventory.available number True The number of units available to sell. This is the difference between the amount in stock and the amount ordered by customers.
inventory.grossWeight number The gross weight of the unit.
inventory.inStock number True The number of units in stock including any that have been ordered by customers.
inventory.minimumOrder number The level of inventory which triggers the need to replenish that particular inventory stock
inventory.minimumStock number The minimum quantity of product which must be kept in the inventory at all times
inventory.netWeight number The net weight of the unit.
inventory.orderedByCustomers number True The number of units that have been ordered by customers, but haven’t been sold yet.
inventory.orderedFromSuppliers number True The number of units that have been ordered from your suppliers, but haven’t been delivered to you yet.
inventory.packageVolume number The volume the shipped package makes up.
lastUpdated string full-date
name string Descriptive name of the product.
productGroup object A reference to the product group this product is contained within.
productGroup.productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
productNumber string Unique alphanumeric product number.
recommendedCostPrice number Recommended cost price of the goods.
recommendedPrice number Recommended retail price of the goods.
salesPrice number This is the unit net price that will appear on invoice lines when a product is added to an invoice line.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
unit object A reference to the unit this product is counted in.
unit.unitNumber integer Unique number identifying the unit.


This endpoint lists all products and their various attributes. Products can be updated and created here as well.

For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get Products

GET /products

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
barCode string String representation of a machine readable barcode symbol that represents this product.
barred boolean If this value is true, then the product can no longer be sold, and trying to book an invoice with this product will not be possible.
costPrice number True The cost of the goods. If you have the inventory module enabled, this is read-only and will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution object A reference to the department that will receive credit for the revenue generated by sales of this product. If you have set a value on this property you cannot set a value in the property distributionKey. You need to enable the Dimension module to use this. If dimension is not enabled this will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution.barred boolean Indicates whether or not the departmental distribution is barred.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer The unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.distributions object List of distributions with percentage for each department.
departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department string Name of the departmental distribution.
description string Free text description of product.
inventory object A collection of properties that are only applicable if the inventory module is enabled.
inventory.available number True The number of units available to sell. This is the difference between the amount in stock and the amount ordered by customers.
inventory.grossWeight number The gross weight of the unit.
inventory.inStock number True The number of units in stock including any that have been ordered by customers.
inventory.minimumOrder number The level of inventory which triggers the need to replenish that particular inventory stock
inventory.minimumStock number The minimum quantity of product which must be kept in the inventory at all times
inventory.netWeight number The net weight of the unit.
inventory.orderedByCustomers number True The number of units that have been ordered by customers, but haven’t been sold yet.
inventory.orderedFromSuppliers number True The number of units that have been ordered from your suppliers, but haven’t been delivered to you yet.
inventory.packageVolume number The volume the shipped package makes up.
lastUpdated string full-date
name string Descriptive name of the product.
productGroup object A reference to the product group this product is contained within.
productGroup.productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
productNumber string Unique alphanumeric product number.
recommendedCostPrice number Recommended cost price of the goods.
recommendedPrice number Recommended retail price of the goods.
salesPrice number This is the unit net price that will appear on invoice lines when a product is added to an invoice line.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
unit object A reference to the unit this product is counted in.
unit.unitNumber integer Unique number identifying the unit.

Get a specific Product

GET /products/:productId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
barCode string String representation of a machine readable barcode symbol that represents this product.
barred boolean If this value is true, then the product can no longer be sold, and trying to book an invoice with this product will not be possible.
costPrice number True The cost of the goods. If you have the inventory module enabled, this is read-only and will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution object A reference to the department that will receive credit for the revenue generated by sales of this product. If you have set a value on this property you cannot set a value in the property distributionKey. You need to enable the Dimension module to use this. If dimension is not enabled this will just be ignored.
departmentalDistribution.barred boolean Indicates whether or not the departmental distribution is barred.
departmentalDistribution.departmentalDistributionNumber integer The unique identifier of the departmental distribution.
departmentalDistribution.distributions object List of distributions with percentage for each department.
departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department string Name of the departmental distribution.
description string Free text description of product.
inventory object A collection of properties that are only applicable if the inventory module is enabled.
inventory.available number True The number of units available to sell. This is the difference between the amount in stock and the amount ordered by customers.
inventory.grossWeight number The gross weight of the unit.
inventory.inStock number True The number of units in stock including any that have been ordered by customers.
inventory.minimumOrder number The level of inventory which triggers the need to replenish that particular inventory stock
inventory.minimumStock number The minimum quantity of product which must be kept in the inventory at all times
inventory.netWeight number The net weight of the unit.
inventory.orderedByCustomers number True The number of units that have been ordered by customers, but haven’t been sold yet.
inventory.orderedFromSuppliers number True The number of units that have been ordered from your suppliers, but haven’t been delivered to you yet.
inventory.packageVolume number The volume the shipped package makes up.
lastUpdated string full-date
name string Descriptive name of the product.
productGroup object A reference to the product group this product is contained within.
productGroup.productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
productNumber string Unique alphanumeric product number.
recommendedCostPrice number Recommended cost price of the goods.
recommendedPrice number Recommended retail price of the goods.
salesPrice number This is the unit net price that will appear on invoice lines when a product is added to an invoice line.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
unit object A reference to the unit this product is counted in.
unit.unitNumber integer Unique number identifying the unit.

Create a Product

POST /products

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

name, productGroup, productNumber


Name Type Format Read-only Max length Min length Description
barCode string 50 String representation of a machine readable barcode symbol that represents this product.
barred boolean If this value is true, then the product can no longer be sold, and trying to book an invoice with this product will not be possible.
costPrice number The cost of the goods. If you have the inventory module enabled, this is read-only and will just be ignored.
department object A reference to the department that will receive credit for the revenue generated by sales of this product. If you have set a value on this property you cannot set a value in the property distributionKey. You need to enable the Dimension module to use this. If dimension is not enabled this will just be ignored.
department.departmentNumber integer Unique number identifying the department.
department.self string uri A unique reference to the department resource.
description string 500 Free text description of product.
inventory object A collection of properties that are only applicable if the inventory module is enabled.
inventory.available number True The number of units available to sell. This is the difference between the amount in stock and the amount ordered by customers.
inventory.inStock number True The number of units in stock including any that have been ordered by customers.
inventory.orderedByCustomers number True The number of units that have been ordered by customers, but haven't been sold yet.
inventory.orderedFromSuppliers number True The number of units that have been ordered from your suppliers, but haven't been delivered to you yet.
inventory.packageVolume number The volume the shipped package makes up.
name string 300 1 Descriptive name of the product.
productGroup object A reference to the product group this product is contained within.
productGroup.productGroupNumber integer Unique number identifying the product group.
productGroup.self string uri A unique reference to the product group resource.
productNumber string 25 1 Unique alphanumeric product number.
recommendedCostPrice number Recommended cost price of the goods.
recommendedPrice number Recommended retail price of the goods.
salesPrice number This is the unit net price that will appear on invoice lines when a product is added to an invoice line.
tags array Tags associated with the product.
unit object A reference to the unit this product is counted in.
unit.self string uri A unique reference to the unit resource.
unit.unitNumber integer Unique number identifying the unit.

Update a Product

PUT /products/:productId

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Format Description
barCode string String representation of a machine readable barcode symbol that represents this product.
barred boolean If this value is true, then the product can no longer be sold, and trying to book an invoice with this product will not be possible.
departmentalDistribution object A reference to the department that will receive credit for the revenue generated by sales of this product. If you have set a value on this property you cannot set a value in the property distributionKey. You need to enable the Dimension module to use this. If dimension is not enabled this will just be ignored.
description string Free text description of product.
inventory object A collection of properties that are only applicable if the inventory module is enabled.
lastUpdated string full-date
name string Descriptive name of the product.
productGroup object A reference to the product group this product is contained within.
productGroup.productGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the product group.
productNumber string Unique alphanumeric product number.
recommendedCostPrice number Recommended cost price of the goods.
recommendedPrice number Recommended retail price of the goods.
salesPrice number This is the unit net price that will appear on invoice lines when a product is added to an invoice line.
tags object Tags associated with the product.
unit object A reference to the unit this product is counted in.

Delete a Product

DELETE /products/:productId

Note that you cannot delete a product that has been used on an Invoice.


These endpoints require access to the Project add-on module.

Get Project entry point

GET /project

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
costTypes string uri The reference to list of cost types.
projects string uri The reference to list of projects.

Get Projects

GET /project/projects

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
barred boolean Shows if the project is barred from being used.
customer object The customer relating to the project.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The default delivery location for the project.
defaultDeliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
description string A description of the project.
group object The group to which the project belongs.
group.projectGroupNumber integer A unique identifier of the project group.
isClosed boolean Shows if the project is closed.
isMain boolean Shows if the project is a main project.
mileage number The mileage count for the project.
name string The descriptive name of the project.
parent object The parent project, if not a main project.
parent.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
responsibleEmployee object The employee responsible for the project.
responsibleEmployee.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.

Get specific Project

GET /project/projects/:projectNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
barred boolean Shows if the project is barred from being used.
customer object The customer relating to the project.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The default delivery location for the project.
defaultDeliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
description string A description of the project.
group object The group to which the project belongs.
group.projectGroupNumber integer A unique identifier of the project group.
isClosed boolean Shows if the project is closed.
isMain boolean Shows if the project is a main project.
mileage number The mileage count for the project.
name string The descriptive name of the project.
parent object The parent project, if not a main project.
parent.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
responsibleEmployee object The employee responsible for the project.
responsibleEmployee.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.

Create Project

POST /project/projects

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
barred boolean Shows if the project is barred from being used.
customer object The customer relating to the project.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The default delivery location for the project.
description string A description of the project.
group object The group to which the project belongs.
isClosed boolean Shows if the project is closed.
isMain boolean Shows if the project is a main project.
mileage number The mileage count for the project.
name string The descriptive name of the project.
parent object The parent project, if not a main project.
projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
responsibleEmployee object The employee responsible for the project.

Update Project

PUT /project/projects/:projectNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
barred boolean Shows if the project is barred from being used.
customer object The customer relating to the project.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
defaultDeliveryLocation object The default delivery location for the project.
description string A description of the project.
group object The group to which the project belongs.
isClosed boolean Shows if the project is closed.
isMain boolean Shows if the project is a main project.
mileage number The mileage count for the project.
name string The descriptive name of the project.
parent object The parent project, if not a main project.
projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
responsibleEmployee object The employee responsible for the project.

Get Project Cost types

GET /project/cost-types

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
costTypeNumber integer
group object The group to which the project belongs.
group.projectCostGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the project cost group.
name string The descriptive name of the cost type.
vatAccount object The vat account for the cost type.
vatAccount.account object The account of the vat account.
vatAccount.barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
vatAccount.contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
vatAccount.exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
vatAccount.extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
vatAccount.includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
vatAccount.isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account string The name of the vat account.
vatAccount.nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
vatAccount.ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
vatAccount.ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAccount.vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting.
vatAccount.vatType object The type of the vat account.

Get specific Cost type

GET /project/cost-types/:costTypeNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
costTypeNumber integer
group object The group to which the project belongs.
group.projectCostGroupNumber integer The unique identifier of the project cost group.
name string The descriptive name of the cost type.
vatAccount object The vat account for the cost type.
vatAccount.account object The account of the vat account.
vatAccount.barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
vatAccount.contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
vatAccount.exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
vatAccount.extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
vatAccount.includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
vatAccount.isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account string The name of the vat account.
vatAccount.nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
vatAccount.ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
vatAccount.ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAccount.vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting.
vatAccount.vatType object The type of the vat account.


Get Provinces

GET /provinces

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
code string Alphanumeric identifying code.
countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
name string Province's name.
provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.

Get Provinces by Country Code

GET /provinces/:countryCode

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
code string Alphanumeric identifying code.
countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
name string Province's name.
provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.

Get specific Province

GET /provinces/:countryCode/:provinceNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
code string Alphanumeric identifying code.
countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
name string Province's name.
provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.


Get Quotations

GET /quotations

View response example

Note: additional expenses are not yet supported on quotations

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
lines.accruals object The start and end date of accruals
lines.deliveredQuantity number The delivered quantity.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.manuallyEditedSalesPrice boolean Indicated if sales price on line was manually edited
lines.marginInBaseCurrency number The margin in the base currency of the agreement.
lines.marginPercentage number The margin percentage.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.totalVatAmount number The total VAT amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit gross price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatInfo object Information about VAT for the line.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Get specific Quotation

GET /quotations/:quotationNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpense object The additional expense used on the line
additionalExpenseLines.additionalExpenseType object Miscellaneous, StampDuty, BankExpense, Package, Transport Additional Expense Type
additionalExpenseLines.amount number Additional expense NET amount
additionalExpenseLines.grossAmount number Additional expense GROSS amount
additionalExpenseLines.isExcluded boolean Is this Additional expense included in Invoice Total
additionalExpenseLines.lineNumber integer Line number
additionalExpenseLines.vatAccount object VAT account (if different from additional expense)
additionalExpenseLines.vatAmount number VAT amount
additionalExpenseLines.vatRate number VAT rate used for VAT calculation
bankAccount object Bank Account
bankAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
costPriceInBaseCurrency number True The total cost of the items on the sales document in the base currency of the agreement.
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer. string The customer name.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
deductionInfo.deductionAmount number
deductionInfo.deductionRate number
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
delivery.address string Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. string The city of the place of delivery. string The country of the place of delivery.
delivery.county string The county of the place of delivery.
delivery.deliveryDate string full-date The date of delivery.
delivery.deliveryTerms string Details about the terms of delivery. string The zip code of the place of delivery.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryDetails.carrierInfo object Details about the carrier.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumber integer Delivery note number.
deliveryDetails.deliveryNoteNumberSeries object Delivery note number series.
deliveryDetails.deliveryStartDateTime string full-date Date and time (in UTC) the delivery started.
deliveryDetails.descriptionOfPackages string Verbal description of the packages.
deliveryDetails.numberOfPackages integer Number of packages in the delivery.
deliveryDetails.reasonForDelivery string The reason for delivery.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber integer A unique identifier for the delivery location.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
grossAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
lines.accruals object The start and end date of accruals
lines.deliveredQuantity number The delivered quantity.
lines.deliveryDate string full-date The delivery date.
lines.departmentalDistribution object The departmental distribution used by the line.
lines.departmentalDistribution.distributionType object Distribution, Department
lines.description string The description of the line.
lines.discountPercentage number The discount percentage.
lines.lineNumber integer The line number.
lines.manuallyEditedSalesPrice boolean Indicated if sales price on line was manually edited
lines.marginInBaseCurrency number The margin in the base currency of the agreement.
lines.marginPercentage number The margin percentage.
lines.movementChainId object Movement Chain Id
lines.product object The product.
lines.quantity number The quantity.
lines.sortKey integer The sort key.
lines.totalGrossAmount number The total gross amount.
lines.totalNetAmount number The total net amount.
lines.totalVatAmount number The total VAT amount.
lines.unit object The unit.
lines.unitCostPrice number The unit cost price.
lines.unitGrossPrice number The unit gross price.
lines.unitNetPrice number The unit net price.
lines.vatInfo object Information about VAT for the line.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
locks.description string Description of lock
locks.lockType integer Type number of the lock
locks.salesDocumentDraftNumber integer Sales Document number which is locked by this lock
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmount number True The total sales document amount in the currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
notes.heading string The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order.
notes.text1 string The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font.
notes.text2 string The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
numberSeries.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentLines.amount number
paymentLines.dueDate string full-date
paymentLines.lineNumber integer
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentManagementDocument.paymentManagementDocumentId object Unique identifier of the document in the PaymentManagement scope.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique identifier of the payment type.
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document. object The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices string Price list's name.
priceList.number integer Unique identifier of the price list.
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
project.projectNumber integer A unique identifier of the project.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
recipient.address string The street address of the actual recipient.
recipient.attention object The person to whom this order is addressed.
recipient.attention.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. string The city of the actual recipient. string The country of the actual recipient.
recipient.county string The county of the actual recipient.
recipient.ean string The 'International Article Number' of the actual recipient. string The name of the actual recipient.
recipient.province object The province of the actual recipient.
recipient.publicEntryNumber string The public entry number of the actual recipient.
recipient.vatZone object Recipient vat zone. string The zip code of the actual recipient.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
references.customerContact object The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order.
references.customerContact.emailNotifications object This array specifies what events the contact person should receive email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications.
references.other string A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order.
references.primarySalesPerson object The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports.
references.secondarySalesPerson object A reference to any second employee involved in the sale.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
tenderContract.cig string Public administration tender reference number.
tenderContract.cup string Public administration project reference.
tenderContract.customerNumber integer Customer's reference.
tenderContract.description string Custom description.
tenderContract.documentNumber string Document number.
tenderContract.tenderContractNumber integer Unique identifier of the contract.
tenderContract.type object Contract, Convention
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatAccount.vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatAmount number True The total amount of VAT on the sales document in the currency. This will have the same sign as net amount.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatCodeGroups.totalGrossAmount number Total GROSS amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalNetAmount number Total NET amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.totalVatAmount number Total VAT amount for VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatAccount object The VAT account that represents VAT Code group.
vatCodeGroups.vatRate number The VAT rate for the VAT Code group.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice
voucher.booked boolean string full-date
voucher.externalDocumentId string
voucher.voucherId integer
voucher.voucherNumber object Voucher Number
voucher.voucherNumber.displayVoucherNumber string The voucher display number - number series prefix and sequence element number
voucher.voucherNumber.prefix string The number series prefix
voucher.voucherNumber.voucherNumber integer Number series sequence element number
voucher.voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote

Create Quotation

POST /quotations

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Update Quotation

PUT /quotations/:quotationNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Values Description
additionalExpenseLines object A list of additional expense lines
bankAccount object Bank Account
currency string The ISO 4217 currency code of the sales document.
customer object The customer on the sales document.
customer.customerNumber integer The unique identifier of the customer.
date string full-date Sales document issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
deductionInfo object The Deduction Amount on Sale Document
delivery object The actual place of delivery for the goods on the sales document. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property, but may be edited as required.
deliveryDetails object Details about the delivery. Used for printing delivery notes etc.
deliveryLocation object A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the sales document.
deliveryStatus object NotDelivered, TransferredToDelivery, PartiallyDelivered, FullyDelivered Delivery status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
dueDate string full-date The date the sales document is due for payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is only used if the terms of payment is of type 'duedate'.
exchangeRate number The exchange rate between the sales document currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency.
id integer A reference number for the sales document.
invoicingStatus object NotInvoiced, TransferredToInvoicing, PartiallyInvoiced, FullyInvoiced Invoicing status for orders. Does not apply for quotations and current invoices. Options are 'notDelivered', 'transferedToDelivery', 'partiallyDelivered', 'fullyDelivered'
isArchived boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is archived.
isSent boolean Boolean indication of whether the sales document is sent.
layout object The layout used for the document.
lines object An array containing the specific sales document lines.
locks object Locks that does not allow document to be modified
marginInBaseCurrency number The difference between the net price and the cost price on the sales document line in base currency.
marginPercentage number The margin on the sales document line expressed as a percentage.
netAmountInBaseCurrency number The total sales document amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative.
notes object Notes on the sales document.
number integer The number of the workflow - quotation - order - draft invoice
numberSeries object The number series used for the sales document.
paymentLines object An array containing the payment lines splitting the payment into multiple due dates. These can only be used if you have the feature.
paymentManagementDocument object References the bound PaymentManagement document.
paymentTerms object The terms of payment for the sales document.
paymentType object A type description how the payment should be executed
pdf object References a pdf representation of this sales document.
priceList object A price list that is used for product prices
project object References the project this sales document belongs to.
recipient object The actual recipient of the sales document. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance, the customer placing the order may be ACME Headquarters, but the recipient of the order may be ACME IT.
references object Customer and company references related to this sales document.
roundingAmount number The total rounding error, if any, on the sales document in base currency.
tenderContract object The tender contract used for the sales document.
vatAccount object References the VAT account overriding VAT on all lines.
vatCodeGroups object An array containing sales document's VAT groups.
vatDate string full-date Invoice vat date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601.
vatIncluded boolean If VatMatrix is not enabled this flag will tell that vat should be calculated for this invoice. If VatMatrix is enabled this flag is readonly.
voucher object The voucher related to the invoice

Delete Quotation

DELETE /quotations

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
id integer A reference number for the sales document.

Attach PDF to Quotation

POST /quotations/:quotationNumber/attachment

Example request
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'X-AgreementGrantToken: your_agreement_grant_token' \
  --header 'X-AppSecretToken: your_app_secret_token' \
  --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  --form '=@C:\path\to\your\file\file_name.pdf'

Delete PDF attachment

DELETE /quotations/:quotationNumber/attachment

Report Api

Report Api are data tailored for the generation of reports. To ensure faster response times, self links and other links to resources are not included in this Api.

As there is no paging in these Api endpoints, take care to scope queries accordingly.

All parameters are sent in the querystring of the request, and are optional.

Get Finance Entries

Retrieves a list of finance entries.

GET /report-api/v1/entries GET /report-api/v1/entries/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date

View response example

Get Customer Entries

Retrieves a list of finance entries booked on customers.

GET /report-api/v1/customer-entries GET /report-api/v1/customer-entries/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date
FromCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
ToCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
FromCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group
ToCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group

View response example

Get Supplier Entries

Retrieves a list of finance entries booked on suppliers.

GET /report-api/v1/supplier-entries GET /report-api/v1/supplier-entries/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date
FromSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
ToSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
FromSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group
ToSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group

View response example

Get Finance Movements

For each finance account, returns the amount that has been debited and credited.

GET /report-api/v1/finance-movements GET /report-api/v1/finance-movements/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date
FromAccount int Filter for the account number
ToAccount int Filter for the account number

View response example

Get Customer Movements

Returns the amount that has been debited and credited for each customer.

GET /report-api/v1/customer-movements GET /report-api/v1/customer-movements/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date
FromCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
ToCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
FromCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group
ToCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group

View response example

Get Supplier Movements

Returns the amount that has been debited and credited for each supplier.

GET /report-api/v1/supplier-movements GET /report-api/v1/supplier-movements/booked


Name Type Description
FromDate Date Filter for the booking date
ToDate Date Filter for the booking date
FromSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
ToSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
FromSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group
ToSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group

View response example

Get Finance Balances

For each finance account, returns the balance on the account on a given date.

GET /report-api/v1/finance-balances GET /report-api/v1/finance-balances/booked


Name Type Description
AsOf Date The date for which to get the balance. Defaults to todays date.
ExcludeDate bool If true, entries on the AsOf date are not included in the balance.
FromAccount int Filter for the account number
ToAccount int Filter for the account number

View response example

Get Customer Balances

For each customer, returns the balance on a given date.

GET /report-api/v1/customer-balances GET /report-api/v1/customer-balances/booked


Name Type Description
AsOf Date The date for which to get the balance. Defaults to todays date.
ExcludeDate bool If true, entries on the AsOf date are not included in the balance.
FromCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
ToCustomerNumber int Filter for the customer number
FromCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group
ToCustomerGroup int Filter for the customer group

View response example

Get Supplier Balances

For each supplier, returns the balance on a given date.

GET /report-api/v1/supplier-balances GET /report-api/v1/supplier-balances/booked


Name Type Description
AsOf Date The date for which to get the balance. Defaults to todays date.
ExcludeDate bool If true, entries on the AsOf date are not included in the balance.
FromSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
ToSupplierNumber int Filter for the supplier number
FromSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group
ToSupplierGroup int Filter for the supplier group

View response example



The entry point for the Reviso REST API. This is where the fun begins.


Get information about current agreement

GET /self

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Values Description
accountingYear object The accounting year.
accountingYear.currentTransaction integer Amount of transactions for current accounting year.
accountingYear.currentYear string Current accounting year.
admins object The list of agreement's admins.
admins.admins object The list of agreement's admins.
admins.agreementNumber integer The agreement number.
admins.agreementType object The agreement type. object Denmark, Norway, Sweden, COM, EU, UK, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable
admins.bankInformation object The company bank informations.
admins.billingInfo object Billing informations. object The company bound to the agreement. object RF01, RF02, RF17, RF18, RF19 The fiscal regime of the company
admins.createdUsers integer
admins.grantDurationInDays integer
admins.modules object The list of modules available with the agreement. string
admins.newUsersFromDate integer
admins.signupDate string full-date The signup date.
admins.status object
admins.subscriptionInfo object The subscription information for the agreement
admins.tsStoreSubscriptions object The list of subscriptions managed by TeamSystem-Store.
admins.tsStoreSubscriptions.paymentType object CreditCard, BankTransfer Payment type.
admins.tsStoreSubscriptions.purchaseChannel object Online, Offline Purchase channel.
admins.tsStoreSubscriptions.status object Active, Suspended, Canceled Status of subscription.
admins.tsStoreSubscriptions.subscription object Starter, Premium, Enterprise, Inventory Subscription type.
agreementNumber integer The agreement number.
agreementType object The agreement type.
agreementType.agreementTypeNumber integer object Denmark, Norway, Sweden, COM, EU, UK, Germany, Spain, Poland, Finland, France, Italy, ItalyEasyfatt, SpainElContable
application object The Reviso app bound to the agreement.
application.appNumber integer
application.appPublicToken string string
bankInformation object The company bank informations.
bankInformation.altinnEnterpriseSystemId string
bankInformation.amtsgericht string
bankInformation.aufsichtsratsvorsitzende string
bankInformation.bankAccountNumber string
bankInformation.bankGiroNumber string
bankInformation.bankgirotCustomerNumber string
bankInformation.bankName string
bankInformation.bankSortCode string
bankInformation.eanLocationNumber string
bankInformation.finanzAmt string
bankInformation.geschaftsfuhrer string
bankInformation.giro string
bankInformation.handelsRegisterEintrag string
bankInformation.ibanNumber string
bankInformation.pbsCustomerGroupNumber string
bankInformation.pbsFiSupplierNumber string
bankInformation.pbsNumber string
bankInformation.plusGiroNumber string
bankInformation.swiftCode string
billingInfo object Billing informations.
billingInfo.invoicedByReviso boolean
billingInfo.invoicingFrequency integer Billing periodicity.
billingInfo.isPurchasedViaOfflineChannel boolean Is the agreement purchased through offline channel.
billingInfo.shouldBeInvoicedDirectly boolean
company object The company bound to the agreement.
company.addressLine1 string The first line of the company address.
company.addressLine2 string The second line of the company address.
company.attention string The company contact name. string The company city.
company.companyIdentificationNumber string The company unique identifier.
company.contactEmail string The company contact email string The company country.
company.countryCode string The company country code.
company.county string The company county or province. string True The company email. Do not use this property, it is DEPRECATED. Use InvoiceEmail instead.
company.faxNumber string The company fax number.
company.fiscalRegime object RF01, RF02, RF17, RF18, RF19 The fiscal regime of the company
company.industrialClassification object The company industrial classification.
company.invoiceEmail string Invoicing email, Reviso will send invoices to
company.mobileNumber string The company mobile number. string The company name.
company.phoneNumber string The company phone number.
company.province object The company province.
company.vatNumber string The company Vat number. string The company website. string The company zip code.
companyAffiliation string The company affiliation.
createdUsers integer
creatorApplication string The name of the application that created this agreement
grantDurationInDays integer
isAdminAgreement boolean Indicates whether the agreement is an admin agreement.
isAdminImpersonatingAgreement boolean Indicates whether the current agreement is being impersonated by an admin agreement.
modules object The list of modules available with the agreement.
modules.moduleNumber integer string
name string
newUsersFromDate integer
settings object The settings of the agreement.
settings.baseCurrency string
settings.internationalLedger boolean
settings.showDepartments boolean
settings.vatReportingFrequency object Monthly, Quarterly
setupId integer Agreement's inner id that is used for storing accounting data
signupDate string full-date The signup date.
status object
status.deregistrationDate string full-date
status.isBarred boolean
status.isMarkedForDeletion boolean
status.isTrial boolean
status.trialExpiryDate string full-date
status.trialSignInToken boolean
subscriptionInfo object The subscription information for the agreement
subscriptionInfo.packageId integer The id of the package.
subscriptionInfo.plan object Plan details
subscriptionInfo.resellerId string The id of the reseller
subscriptionInfo.trialMaster integer Applied trial master.
tsStoreSubscriptions object The list of subscriptions managed by TeamSystem-Store.
tsStoreSubscriptions.consumerPackageId string Subscription id, forged and used by integration system.
tsStoreSubscriptions.endDate string full-date End date of subscription. It could be null.
tsStoreSubscriptions.itemName string Item name, forged and used by integration system.
tsStoreSubscriptions.paymentType object CreditCard, BankTransfer Payment type.
tsStoreSubscriptions.providerPackageId string Subscription id, forged by integration system.
tsStoreSubscriptions.purchaseChannel object Online, Offline Purchase channel.
tsStoreSubscriptions.startDate string full-date Start date of subscription.
tsStoreSubscriptions.status object Active, Suspended, Canceled Status of subscription.
tsStoreSubscriptions.subscription object Starter, Premium, Enterprise, Inventory Subscription type.
user object The current logged user.
user.activatedTSID boolean
user.dateFormat string
user.dateTimeFormat string string
user.employeeID integer
user.hasAccessToUI boolean
user.isSuperUser boolean
user.language object
user.loginId string string
user.numberFormat object
user.trialToken string
user.trialTokenUrl string
userName string The username of the current logged user.

View response example

View code example

Get Company data

GET /self/company

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
addressLine1 string The first line of the company address.
addressLine2 string The second line of the company address.
attention string The company contact name.
city string The company city.
companyIdentificationNumber string The company unique identifier.
contactEmail string The company contact email
country string The company country.
countryCode string The company country code.
county string The company county or province.
email string True The company email. Do not use this property, it is DEPRECATED. Use InvoiceEmail instead.
faxNumber string The company fax number.
fiscalRegime object RF01, RF02, RF17, RF18, RF19 The fiscal regime of the company
industrialClassification object The company industrial classification.
industrialClassification.classification string
industrialClassification.classificationClass string
industrialClassification.classificationDivision string
industrialClassification.classificationGroup string
industrialClassification.classificationSection string
industrialClassification.countryCode string
industrialClassification.description string
industrialClassification.heading boolean
industrialClassification.industrialClassificationNumber integer
invoiceEmail string Invoicing email, Reviso will send invoices to
mobileNumber string The company mobile number.
name string The company name.
phoneNumber string The company phone number.
province object The company province.
province.countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
province.provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.
vatNumber string The company Vat number.
website string The company website.
zip string The company zip code.

View response example

Update Company data

PUT /self/company

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Values Description
addressLine1 string The first line of the company address.
addressLine2 string The second line of the company address.
attention string The company contact name.
city string The company city.
companyIdentificationNumber string The company unique identifier.
contactEmail string The company contact email
country string The company country.
countryCode string The company country code.
county string The company county or province.
faxNumber string The company fax number.
fiscalRegime object RF01, RF02, RF17, RF18, RF19 The fiscal regime of the company
industrialClassification object The company industrial classification.
invoiceEmail string Invoicing email, Reviso will send invoices to
mobileNumber string The company mobile number.
name string The company name.
phoneNumber string The company phone number.
province object The company province.
vatNumber string The company Vat number.
website string The company website.
zip string The company zip code.

Supplier groups

Suppliers are organized in Supplier groups.

You can read more on our Online Help.

Get Supplier groups

GET /supplier-groups

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object Posting account of the supplier group.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
deduction object The deduction settings for the supplier group.
deduction.account object
deduction.basedOnAmountIncludingVat boolean
deduction.basedOnItems boolean
deduction.entryText string
deduction.ratePercentage number
hasInventoryWithdrawal boolean Whether or not the supplier should be available in the inventory module.
name string Name of the supplier group.
numberSeriesForSupplierInvoice object Number series used in the supplier
numberSeriesForSupplierInvoice.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
supplierGroupNumber integer Unique identifier of the supplier group.
supplierGroupType object Professionals, Rentals Specifies the different types of Spanish supplier group types

Get specific Supplier group

GET /supplier-groups/:supplierGroupId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
account object Posting account of the supplier group.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
deduction object The deduction settings for the supplier group.
deduction.account object
deduction.basedOnAmountIncludingVat boolean
deduction.basedOnItems boolean
deduction.entryText string
deduction.ratePercentage number
hasInventoryWithdrawal boolean Whether or not the supplier should be available in the inventory module.
name string Name of the supplier group.
numberSeriesForSupplierInvoice object Number series used in the supplier
numberSeriesForSupplierInvoice.numberSeriesNumber integer The number of the number series
supplierGroupNumber integer Unique identifier of the supplier group.
supplierGroupType object Professionals, Rentals Specifies the different types of Spanish supplier group types

Create Supplier group

POST /supplier-groups

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, name, supplierGroupNumber


Name Type Values Description
account object Posting account of the supplier group.
deduction object The deduction settings for the supplier group.
hasInventoryWithdrawal boolean Whether or not the supplier should be available in the inventory module.
name string Name of the supplier group.
numberSeriesForSupplierInvoice object Number series used in the supplier
supplierGroupNumber integer Unique identifier of the supplier group.
supplierGroupType object Professionals, Rentals Specifies the different types of Spanish supplier group types


Suppliers are the vendors from whom you buy your goods.

For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get Suppliers

GET /suppliers

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
address string Address for the supplier including street and number.
attention object Optional contact person at the supplier.
attention.supplierContactNumber integer
bankAccount string The suppliers bank account.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the supplier is barred.
city string The supplier’s city.
contacts object Links to the collect
corporateIdentificationNumber string Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark.
costAccount object Cost account to be used for the supplier.
costAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
country string The supplier’s country.
countryCode object The supplier's country identification code.
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
county string The supplier’s county. This property is only valid for UK agreements. It will be ignored for all other countries.
currency string Default currency used when purchasing from the supplier.
defaultInvoiceText string The supplier default invoice text.
defaultVoucherTemplate object The default voucher template for the supplier.
defaultVoucherTemplate.voucherTemplateNumber integer The unique identifier of the voucher template.
email string The supplier’s e-mail address. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field, separated by a space.
layout object Layout that will be used for documents generated in relation to this supplier.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
name string The supplier name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the supplier.
paymentTerms.barred boolean If this payment term is accessible.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountAccount object The cash discount account.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountDayLimit integer The cash discount day limit.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountRate number The cash discount rate.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account. Used for PaidInCash and Factoring only.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany object The credit card company. Used for type CreditCard only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
paymentTerms.daysOfCredit integer The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'.
paymentTerms.description string The description of the payment term.
paymentTerms.monthsOfCredit integer The number of months of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'. string The name of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.numberSeriesForCustomerPayment object The number series to use for creating customer payment vouchers. Used for paidInCash or creditcard type only.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth The type of the payment term.
paymentTerms.percentageForPrepaidAmount number The percentage for prepaid amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.percentageForRemainderAmount number The percentage for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate object The timetable payment template. Used for Timetable only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines object An array containing the timetable pament template lines.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.paymentTerms object The payment term for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.percentage number The percentage to use for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.timetablePaymentTemplateLineNumber integer A unique identifier of the timetable payment template line.
paymentTerms.type string The type the payment term.
phone string The supplier phone number.
province object The supplier's province.
province.countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
province.provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.
remittanceAdvice object Remittance advice for the supplier.
remittanceAdvice.creditorId string
remittanceAdvice.creditorInvoiceId string
remittanceAdvice.fieldValues object
remittanceAdvice.paymentType object
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this supplier.
salesPerson.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
supplierContact object Reference to main contact employee at supplier.
supplierContact.supplierContactNumber integer
supplierGroup object In order to set up a new supplier it is necessary to specify a supplier group.
supplierGroup.supplierGroupNumber integer Unique identifier of the supplier group.
supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
vatNumber string The suppliers's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates whether the supplier is located domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad.
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
zip string The suppliers zipcode.

Get specific Supplier

GET /suppliers/:supplierNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
address string Address for the supplier including street and number.
attention object Optional contact person at the supplier.
attention.supplierContactNumber integer
bankAccount string The suppliers bank account.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the supplier is barred.
city string The supplier’s city.
contacts object Links to the collect
corporateIdentificationNumber string Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark.
costAccount object Cost account to be used for the supplier.
costAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
country string The supplier’s country.
countryCode object The supplier's country identification code.
countryCode.code string The 2 letter code for the country.
countryCode.ossMember boolean Indicates whether it is a member state of the One Stop Shop (OSS)
county string The supplier’s county. This property is only valid for UK agreements. It will be ignored for all other countries.
currency string Default currency used when purchasing from the supplier.
defaultInvoiceText string The supplier default invoice text.
defaultVoucherTemplate object The default voucher template for the supplier.
defaultVoucherTemplate.voucherTemplateNumber integer The unique identifier of the voucher template.
email string The supplier’s e-mail address. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field, separated by a space.
layout object Layout that will be used for documents generated in relation to this supplier.
layout.layoutNumber integer The unique identifier of the layout.
name string The supplier name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the supplier.
paymentTerms.barred boolean If this payment term is accessible.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountAccount object The cash discount account.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountDayLimit integer The cash discount day limit.
paymentTerms.cashDiscountRate number The cash discount rate.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForPrepaidAmount object The contra account. Used for PaidInCash and Factoring only.
paymentTerms.contraAccountForRemainderAmount object The contra account for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany object The credit card company. Used for type CreditCard only.
paymentTerms.creditCardCompany.italianCustomerType object None, PA, B2B, Consumer The customer's Italian type.
paymentTerms.daysOfCredit integer The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'.
paymentTerms.description string The description of the payment term.
paymentTerms.monthsOfCredit integer The number of months of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type 'duedate'. string The name of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.numberSeriesForCustomerPayment object The number series to use for creating customer payment vouchers. Used for paidInCash or creditcard type only.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber integer A unique identifier of the payment term.
paymentTerms.paymentTermsType object Net, InvoiceMonth, PaidInCash, Prepaid, DueDate, Factoring, InvoiceWeekStartingSunday, InvoiceWeekStartingMonday, Creditcard, AvtaleGiro, Autogiro, TimeTable, EndOfMonth The type of the payment term.
paymentTerms.percentageForPrepaidAmount number The percentage for prepaid amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.percentageForRemainderAmount number The percentage for the remainder amount. Used for Factoring only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate object The timetable payment template. Used for Timetable only.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines object An array containing the timetable pament template lines.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.paymentTerms object The payment term for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.percentage number The percentage to use for this timetable line.
paymentTerms.timetablePaymentTemplate.lines.timetablePaymentTemplateLineNumber integer A unique identifier of the timetable payment template line.
paymentTerms.type string The type the payment term.
phone string The supplier phone number.
province object The supplier's province.
province.countryCode object Country Code of the province's country.
province.provinceNumber integer Numeric value that identifies the province within the country.
remittanceAdvice object Remittance advice for the supplier.
remittanceAdvice.creditorId string
remittanceAdvice.creditorInvoiceId string
remittanceAdvice.fieldValues object
remittanceAdvice.paymentType object
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this supplier.
salesPerson.employeeNumber integer The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits.
supplierContact object Reference to main contact employee at supplier.
supplierContact.supplierContactNumber integer
supplierGroup object In order to set up a new supplier it is necessary to specify a supplier group.
supplierGroup.supplierGroupNumber integer Unique identifier of the supplier group.
supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
vatNumber string The suppliers's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates whether the supplier is located domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad.
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
zip string The suppliers zipcode.

Create Supplier

POST /suppliers

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

currency, name, paymentTerms, supplierGroup, vatZone


Name Type Format Max length Min length Min value Description
address string 255 Address for the supplier including street and number.
attention object Optional contact person at the supplier.
bankAccount string 50 The suppliers bank account.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the supplier is barred.
city string 50 The supplier's city.
corporateIdentificationNumber string 40 Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark.
costAccount object Cost account to be used for the supplier.
country string 50 The supplier's country.
county string 50 The supplier's county. This property is only valid for UK agreements. It will be ignored for all other countries.
currency string 3 3 Default currency used when purchasing from the supplier.
email string 100 The supplier's e-mail address. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field, separated by a space.
layout object Layout that will be used for documents generated in relation to this supplier.
name string 255 1 The supplier name.
paymentTerms object 1 The default payment terms for the supplier.
remittanceAdvice object Remittance advice for the supplier.
remittanceAdvice.creditorId integer Unique number identifying the supplier.
remittanceAdvice.paymentType object The default payment terms for the supplier. string 50 The name of the payment type.
remittanceAdvice.paymentType.paymentTypeNumber integer Unique number identifying the payment type.
remittanceAdvice.paymentType.self string uri A unique reference to the payment type resource.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this supplier.
self string A unique self reference of the supplier.
supplierContact object Reference to main contact employee at supplier.
supplierGroup object 1 In order to set up a new supplier it is necessary to specify a supplier group.
supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
vatZone object Indicates whether the supplier is located domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad
zip string 10 The suppliers zipcode.

Update Supplier

PUT /suppliers/:supplierNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

currency, defaultVoucherTemplate.voucherTemplateNumber, name, paymentTerms, supplierGroup, vatZone


Name Type Description
address string Address for the supplier including street and number.
attention object Optional contact person at the supplier.
bankAccount string The suppliers bank account.
barred boolean Boolean indication of whether the supplier is barred.
city string The supplier’s city.
contacts object Links to the collect
corporateIdentificationNumber string Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark.
costAccount object Cost account to be used for the supplier.
country string The supplier’s country.
countryCode object The supplier's country identification code.
county string The supplier’s county. This property is only valid for UK agreements. It will be ignored for all other countries.
currency string Default currency used when purchasing from the supplier.
defaultInvoiceText string The supplier default invoice text.
defaultVoucherTemplate object The default voucher template for the supplier.
defaultVoucherTemplate.voucherTemplateNumber integer The unique identifier of the voucher template.
email string The supplier’s e-mail address. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field, separated by a space.
layout object Layout that will be used for documents generated in relation to this supplier.
name string The supplier name.
paymentTerms object The default payment terms for the supplier.
phone string The supplier phone number.
province object The supplier's province.
remittanceAdvice object Remittance advice for the supplier.
salesPerson object Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this supplier.
supplierContact object Reference to main contact employee at supplier.
supplierGroup object In order to set up a new supplier it is necessary to specify a supplier group.
supplierNumber integer The supplier number is a unique numerical identifier.
vatNumber string The suppliers's value added tax identification number.
vatZone object Indicates whether the supplier is located domestically, in Europe or elsewhere abroad.
vatZone.vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.
zip string The suppliers zipcode.

Delete Supplier

DELETE /suppliers/:supplierNumber


Units are the available units ('kg', 'cm', etc.) that you can put on a product.

For more information please look at the Online Help.

Get Units

GET /units

View response example

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Max length Description
name string 8 The name of the unit.
self string uri A unique link reference to the unit item.
unitNumber integer A unique identifier of the unit.

Get specific Unit

GET /units/:unitNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Max length Description
name string 8 The name of the unit.
products string uri A link to the products that reference this unit.
self string uri A unique link reference to the unit item.
unitNumber integer A unique identifier of the unit.

Create Unit

POST /units

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Max length Description
name string 8 The name of the unit.

Update Unit

PUT /units/:unitNumber

Schema name


Return type

This method returns a single object

Required property



Name Type Max length Description
name string 8 The new name of the unit.

Delete Unit

DELETE /units/:unitNumber

Please be adviced that you cannot delete a unit that is in use.

Get Products using this Unit

GET /units/:unitNumber/products

Vat Accounts

Get VAT Accounts

GET /vat-accounts

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Description
account object The account of the vat account.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
contraAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
exemptVatCode.code string The code of the exempt vat code. string The name of the exempt vat code.
extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account
name string The name of the vat account.
nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting. string
vatReportSetup.vatReportSetupNumber integer
vatType object The type of the vat account. string
vatType.vatReportSetups object
vatType.vatTypeNumber integer

Get specific VAT Account

GET /vat-accounts/:vatCode

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Description
account object The account of the vat account.
account.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
contraAccount.accountNumber integer The number of the account string True The name of the account.
exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
exemptVatCode.code string The code of the exempt vat code. string The name of the exempt vat code.
extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account
name string The name of the vat account.
nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting. string
vatReportSetup.vatReportSetupNumber integer
vatType object The type of the vat account. string
vatType.vatReportSetups object
vatType.vatTypeNumber integer

Create VAT Account

POST /vat-accounts

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, name, ratePercentage, vatReportSetup, vatType


Name Type Description
account object The account of the vat account.
barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account
name string The name of the vat account.
nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting.
vatType object The type of the vat account.

Update VAT Account

PUT /vat-accounts/:vatCode

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

account, name, ratePercentage, vatReportSetup, vatType


Name Type Description
account object The account of the vat account.
barred boolean A boolean indicating if the vat account is barred from being used.
contraAccount object The contra account of the vat account.
exemptVatCode object The exempt vat code of the vat account.
extraRatePercentage number In some cases vat accounts has an extra rate that should be applied on top of the normal rate.
includesStampDuty boolean If VAT Account is applicable for stamp duty.
isTotalVatAccountIncluded boolean The exempt vat code of the vat account
name string The name of the vat account.
nonDeductibleRate number Percentage of the vat rate that is not deductible.
ossCountryCode string Country ISO code for the european OSS (One Stop Shop) member
ratePercentage number The vat rate of the vat account.
vatCode string The vat code of the vat account.
vatReportSetup object The VAT rate type used for reporting.
vatType object The type of the vat account.

Delete VAT Account

DELETE /vat-accounts/:vatCode

Vat Statements

Get Reported Vat Statements

GET /vat-statements/reported

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Read-only Description
fromDate string full-date True The start date.
id integer Id of statement.
isReported boolean True Whether statement is reported.
isSettled boolean True Whether statement is settled.
lines object True The lines of the statement.
lines.fields object
reportedAmount number True The reported amount of the statement.
toDate string full-date True The end date.
vatSettlement object True The associated settlement, if any.
vatSettlement.createdOn string full-date True The date of creation.
vatSettlement.fromDate string full-date The settlement start date - must be start of a quarter.
vatSettlement.statements object List of statements.
vatSettlement.toDate string full-date The settlement end date - must be end of same quarter as start date.
vatSettlement.vatSettlementNumber integer True The number of settlements.
vatSettlement.xmlDocumentDownloadLink object The settlement Xml document reference.

Get specific reported Vat Statement

GET /vat-statements/reported/:statementId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Read-only Description
fromDate string full-date True The start date.
id integer Id of statement.
isReported boolean True Whether statement is reported.
isSettled boolean True Whether statement is settled.
lines object True The lines of the statement.
lines.fields object
reportedAmount number True The reported amount of the statement.
toDate string full-date True The end date.
vatSettlement object True The associated settlement, if any.
vatSettlement.createdOn string full-date True The date of creation.
vatSettlement.fromDate string full-date The settlement start date - must be start of a quarter.
vatSettlement.statements object List of statements.
vatSettlement.toDate string full-date The settlement end date - must be end of same quarter as start date.
vatSettlement.vatSettlementNumber integer True The number of settlements.
vatSettlement.xmlDocumentDownloadLink object The settlement Xml document reference.

Create a new Vat Settlement starting from a list of Vat Statements

POST /vat-statements/settled

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

fromDate, statements, toDate, xmlDocument


Name Type Format Description
fromDate string full-date The settlement start date - must be start of a quarter.
statements object List of statements.
toDate string full-date The settlement end date - must be end of same quarter as start date.
xmlDocument string The provided Xml document to be settled.

Vat Types

Get VAT types

GET /vat-types

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type
name string
vatReportSetups object
vatTypeNumber integer

Get specific VAT type

GET /vat-types/:vatTypeId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
name string
vatReportSetups object
vatTypeNumber integer

Get VAT report setups

GET /vat-types/:vatTypeId/vat-report-setups

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type
name string
vatReportSetupNumber integer

Get specific VAT report setup

GET /vat-types/:vatTypeId/vat-report-setups/:vatReportSetupId

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type
name string
vatReportSetupNumber integer

Vat Zones

Get VAT Zones

GET /vat-zones

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Description
editionEnum string The edition to where the vat zone belongs.
enabledForCustomer boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is enabled for customers.
enabledForSupplier boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is enabled for suppliers.
isDomestic boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is domestic.
isExemptVatZone boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is exempt.
isProjectAccount boolean
name string The descriptive name of the vat zone.
textId string The text id for the vat zone.
vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.

Get specific VAT Zone

GET /vat-zones/:vatZoneNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Description
editionEnum string The edition to where the vat zone belongs.
enabledForCustomer boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is enabled for customers.
enabledForSupplier boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is enabled for suppliers.
isDomestic boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is domestic.
isExemptVatZone boolean A boolean value indicating if the vat zone is exempt.
isProjectAccount boolean
name string The descriptive name of the vat zone.
textId string The text id for the vat zone.
vatZoneNumber integer The unique identifier of the vat zone.


Getting started

To create a simple finance voucher the following other objects are needed as a minimum.

  1. All lines need to reference an account (GET
  2. The voucher needs to reference a number series that allows finance vouchers (GET$eq:financeVoucher)
  3. The date of the voucher must be within a created and open accounting year: (GET
  4. Currencies are not specified as objects, but as a string. None the less it needs to exist in (GET

How to reference

When referencing another object, there are two ways to do it - either by...

Specifying only the number

    "account": {
        "accountNumber": 1011

Allowed methods

POST to will create a voucher. :type can be * finance-vouchers * customer-payments * supplier-payments * supplier-invoices

PUT to will update the specified voucher of any type

DELETE to will delete the specified voucher

DELETE to will delete all the vouchers

Get all Vouchers

GET /vouchers

Get Draft Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts

Get specific Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId

Get Templates for Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/templates

Get template for copying a Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/templates/copy

Get template for reversing a Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/templates/reverse

Get template for turning a Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/templates/turn

Get draft Supplier Invoice Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts/supplier-invoices

Get draft Supplier Payment Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts/supplier-payments

Get draft Customer Payment Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts/customer-payments

Get draft Finance Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts/finance-vouchers

Get draft Manual Customer Invoice Vouchers

GET /vouchers/drafts/customer-invoices

Create Manual Customer Invoice Vouchers

POST /vouchers/drafts/customer-invoices

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format.

A POST of the following body to /vouchers/drafts/customer-invoices will create a new (bookable) manual customer invoice voucher:

  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "contraAccount": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line"
      "customer": {
        "customerNumber": 1
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My second line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 19

Create Customer Payment Vouchers

POST /vouchers/drafts/customer-payments

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format.

Create Finance Vouchers

POST /vouchers/drafts/finance-vouchers

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format.

A POST of the following body to /vouchers/drafts/finance-vouchers will create a new (bookable) finance voucher:

  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "account": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line"
      "account": {
        "accountNumber": 1211000
      "amount": -500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My second line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 5

A POST of the following body /vouchers/drafts/finance-vouchers will create a new (bookable) finance voucher with project (including project number and cost type):

  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "account": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line"
      "projectReference": {
        "project": {
          "projectNumber": 1
        "costType": {
          "costTypeNumber": 1   
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My project line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 5

Create Supplier Invoice Vouchers

POST /vouchers/drafts/supplier-invoices

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format. The following documents single item creation.

A POST of the following body to /vouchers/drafts/supplier-invoices will create a new (bookable) supplier invoice:

  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "contraAccount": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line"
      "supplier": {
        "supplierNumber": 1
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My second line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 23

A. Either a supplier, contra account or cost type must be supplied - in our example we will put in a supplier

B. A different number series is needed - of the supplier invoice type. You can obviously create your own by POSTing to /number-series, but in this example we will use existing number-series for supplier invoices.

C. The due date is not mandatory, but very common for supplier invoices

After locating the correct number series as being #3 and resolving supplier #1 a body for successfully creating a supplier invoice voucher with two lines would be:

Create Supplier Invoice Voucher with Payment (Remittance)

To create a supplier invoice with remittance:

A POST of the following body to /vouchers/drafts/supplier-invoices will create a new (bookable) supplier invoice with remittance (IBAN in this scenario):

  "voucherType": "supplierInvoice",
  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "contraAccount": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line"
      "supplier": {
        "supplierNumber": 1
      "dueDate": "2019-10-01",
      "remittanceInformation": {
        "paymentType": {
            "paymentTypeNumber": 10
        "creditorId": "MY-IBAN-NUMBER"
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My second line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 22

When using remittance a due data is also required.

Create Supplier Invoice Voucher with Inventory Product

To create a supplier invoice with an inventory product (to increase the stock availability):

A POST of the following body to /vouchers/drafts/supplier-invoices will create a new (bookable) supplier invoice with inventory rpoduct:

  "voucherType": "supplierInvoice",
  "date": "2019-05-10",
  "lines": [
      "contraAccount": {
        "accountNumber": 1210000
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My first line",
      "productDetails": {
        "product": {
          "productNumber": "55"
        "quantity": 2.00,
        "unitPrice": 123.00
      "supplier": {
        "supplierNumber": 1
      "amount": 500,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "text": "My second line"
  "numberSeries": {
    "numberSeriesNumber": 22

Please note that both supplier and product needs to be inventory enabled.

Create Supplier Payment Vouchers

POST /vouchers/drafts/supplier-payments

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format.

Update draft Voucher

PUT /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId

Delete all draft Vouchers

DELETE /vouchers/drafts

Delete specific draft Voucher

DELETE /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId

Get all booked Vouchers

GET /vouchers/booked

Get specific booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId

Get templates for booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/templates

Get template for copying a booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/templates/copy

Get template for reversing a booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/templates/reverse

Get template for turning a booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/templates/turn

Book Vouchers

POST /vouchers/booked

This endpoint supports input in array, collection and single item format.


Attachments are the necessary documentation for transactions registered in the accounting books. A supplier invoice would for instance be documented with a copy of the received invoice as an attachment to the accounting entry.

Get draft Voucher Attachment

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment

Returns a meta data document with info on the attachment. If no attachment exists, then the itemCount is 0.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
itemCount integer The number of items this attachment contains.
items string uri The GET link to this attachment items.
pdf string uri The GET link to this attachment as a pdf.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment.

Get Attachemnt Items for Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items

Returns a collection envelope containing the items that make up the attachment. If no attachment exists, then an empty collection envelope is returned.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Description
image string uri The GET link to this attachment item as an image.
itemNumber integer An identifier of the attachment item and sorting order the item will be displayed in the attachment.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment item.
thumbnails array An array containing links to all thumbnails for this attachment item.
thumbnails.medium string uri The GET link to this attachment item as a medium thumbnail.

Get specific Attatchment Item for Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Returns a collection envelope containing the item with id {itemNumber} that make up part of the attachment.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
image string uri The GET link to this attachment item as an image.
itemNumber integer An identifier of the attachment item and sorting order the item will be displayed in the attachment.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment item.
thumbnails array An array containing links to all thumbnails for this attachment item.
thumbnails.medium string uri The GET link to this attachment item as a medium thumbnail.

Get PDF with Attachment Items for draft Voucher

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/pdf

Returns an aggregated PDF document with all items.

Get full size JPG of Attachment Item

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber/image

Returns an item in the attachment as a jpg.

Get thumbnail JPG of Attachment Item

GET /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber/thumbnails/medium

Returns a thumbnail of an item in the attachment as a jpg.

Append Item to Voucher Attachment

POST /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items

Appends what is uploaded to the end of the attachment. Allowed filetypes: PDF, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

To upload files you need to set the content-type: multipart/form-data

Then add your files together with a key as form data.

Replace Attachment Item

PUT /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Replaces an item from the attachment with what is uploaded. Allowed filetypes: PDF, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

To upload files you need to set the content-type: multipart/form-data

Then add your files together with a key as form data.

Delete Attachment

DELETE /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items

Deletes the entire attachment.

Delete Attachment Item

DELETE /vouchers/drafts/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Get booked Voucher Attachment

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment

Returns a meta data document with info on the attachment. If no attachment exists, then the itemCount is 0.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
itemCount integer The number of items this attachment contains.
items string uri The GET link to this attachment items.
pdf string uri The GET link to this attachment as a pdf.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment.

Get booked Voucher Attachment Items

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items

Returns a collection envelope containing the items that make up the attachment. If no attachment exists, then an empty collection envelope is returned.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Format Description
image string uri The GET link to this attachment item as an image.
itemNumber integer An identifier of the attachment item and sorting order the item will be displayed in the attachment.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment item.
thumbnails array An array containing links to all thumbnails for this attachment item.
thumbnails.medium string uri The GET link to this attachment item as a medium thumbnail.

Get specific booked Voucher Attachment Item

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Returns a collection envelope containing the item with id {itemNumber} that make up part of the attachment.

Schema name

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Format Description
image string uri The GET link to this attachment item as an image.
itemNumber integer An identifier of the attachment item and sorting order the item will be displayed in the attachment.
self string uri The unique self reference of the attachment item.
thumbnails array An array containing links to all thumbnails for this attachment item.
thumbnails.medium string uri The GET link to this attachment item as a medium thumbnail.

Get PDF with Attachment Items for booked Voucher

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/pdf

Returns an aggregated PDF document with all items.

Get JPG of booked Voucher Attachment Item

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber/image

Returns an item in the attachment as a jpg.

Get thumbnail JPG of booked Voucher Attachment Item

GET /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber/thumbnails/medium

Returns a thumbnail of an item in the attachment as a jpg.

Append Attachment Item to booked Voucher

POST /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items

Appends what is uploaded to the end of the attachment. Allowed filetypes: PDF, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

To upload files you need to set the content-type: multipart/form-data

Then add your files together with a key as form data.

Replace Attachment Item on booked Voucher

PUT /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Replaces an item from the attachment with what is uploaded. Allowed filetypes: PDF, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

To upload files you need to set the content-type: multipart/form-data

Then add your files together with a key as form data.

Delete Attachment on booked Voucher

DELETE /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items

Deletes the entire attachment.

Delete Attachment Item from booked Voucher

DELETE /vouchers/booked/:voucherId/attachment/items/:itemNumber

Voucher Templates

A voucher template can be used as a starting point for generating a voucher with some data already filled in.

Certain behavior of the voucher user interface can also be controlled by the template - e.g. the selection of a different number series for the voucher that what is configured in the template can be restricted.

Get all voucher templates

GET /vouchers/templates

View response example

Return type

This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.


Name Type Read-only Values Description
behavior object The behavior settings for the template controlling things like which sections should be visible etc.
behavior.hideNumberSeries boolean Should the template hide the number series selection in the UI.
behavior.hideProject boolean Should the template hide the ability to add and edit project lines in the UI.
behavior.hideTemplate boolean Should the template hide the template selection in the UI.
data object The data that will be applied to the voucher by the template.
data.considerInputAsGrossAmount boolean True if a finance voucher's input should be taken in gross amount
data.lines object The list of voucher lines to apply to the voucher.
data.lines.isFixedSize boolean
data.lines.isReadOnly boolean
data.lines.isSynchronized boolean
data.lines.length integer
data.lines.longLength object
data.lines.rank integer
data.lines.syncRoot object
data.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique number series number to use by the voucher.
id object True The internal id of the current revision of the template. Will be used to reference a voucher to the revision of a template used for creation.
name string The name of the voucher template. Must be unique for each voucher type (case insensitive).
options object The list of options for what kind of data should be applied by the template.
options.applyAmounts boolean Should the template apply amounts to the voucher lines.
options.applyDepartments boolean Should the template apply department codes to the voucher lines.
options.applyNumberSeries boolean Should the template apply number series to the voucher.
options.applyTexts boolean Should the template apply the text to the voucher lines.
options.applyVatCodes boolean Should the template apply VAT codes to the voucher lines.
voucherTemplateNumber integer True The unique identifier of the voucher template. When creating or updating a voucher template, it will be ignored.
voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The type of voucher the template is to be used on.

Get specific voucher template

GET /vouchers/templates/:voucherTemplateNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object


Name Type Read-only Values Description
behavior object The behavior settings for the template controlling things like which sections should be visible etc.
behavior.hideNumberSeries boolean Should the template hide the number series selection in the UI.
behavior.hideProject boolean Should the template hide the ability to add and edit project lines in the UI.
behavior.hideTemplate boolean Should the template hide the template selection in the UI.
data object The data that will be applied to the voucher by the template.
data.considerInputAsGrossAmount boolean True if a finance voucher's input should be taken in gross amount
data.lines object The list of voucher lines to apply to the voucher.
data.lines.isFixedSize boolean
data.lines.isReadOnly boolean
data.lines.isSynchronized boolean
data.lines.length integer
data.lines.longLength object
data.lines.rank integer
data.lines.syncRoot object
data.numberSeriesNumber integer The unique number series number to use by the voucher.
id object True The internal id of the current revision of the template. Will be used to reference a voucher to the revision of a template used for creation.
name string The name of the voucher template. Must be unique for each voucher type (case insensitive).
options object The list of options for what kind of data should be applied by the template.
options.applyAmounts boolean Should the template apply amounts to the voucher lines.
options.applyDepartments boolean Should the template apply department codes to the voucher lines.
options.applyNumberSeries boolean Should the template apply number series to the voucher.
options.applyTexts boolean Should the template apply the text to the voucher lines.
options.applyVatCodes boolean Should the template apply VAT codes to the voucher lines.
voucherTemplateNumber integer True The unique identifier of the voucher template. When creating or updating a voucher template, it will be ignored.
voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The type of voucher the template is to be used on.

Create voucher template

POST /vouchers/templates

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

data, name, voucherType


Name Type Values Description
behavior object The behavior settings for the template controlling things like which sections should be visible etc.
data object The data that will be applied to the voucher by the template.
name string The name of the voucher template. Must be unique for each voucher type (case insensitive).
options object The list of options for what kind of data should be applied by the template.
voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The type of voucher the template is to be used on.

Update voucher template

PUT /vouchers/templates/:voucherTemplateNumber

Return type

This method returns a single object

Required properties

data, name, voucherType


Name Type Values Description
behavior object The behavior settings for the template controlling things like which sections should be visible etc.
data object The data that will be applied to the voucher by the template.
name string The name of the voucher template. Must be unique for each voucher type (case insensitive).
options object The list of options for what kind of data should be applied by the template.
voucherType object CustomerInvoice, CustomerPayment, SupplierInvoice, SupplierPayment, FinanceVoucher, Reminder, OpeningEntry, TransferredOpeningEntry, SystemEntry, ManualDebtorInvoice, OpeningBalance, DeliveryNote, PurchaseDeliveryNote The type of voucher the template is to be used on.

Delete voucher template

DELETE /vouchers/templates/:voucherTemplateNumber


The Webhook functionality allows app partners to retrieve data when certain events occurs in the system.

Retrieve existing webhooks

Issue a GET request to will return a result:

        "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteCreated",
        "destinations": [
        "appSuppliedKey": "my-key"
        "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteUpdated",
        "destinations": [
        "appSuppliedKey": "my-key"
        "triggeringEvent": "PriceListImported",
        "destinations": [
        "appSuppliedKey": "my-key"

Create a new webhook

Issue a POST request to with a body:

    "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteCreated",
    "destinations": [
    "appSuppliedKey": "my-key"

This will create a webhooks subscription corresponding to the grant used. Ie. the webhook is registered to the agreement the grant gives access to. The appSuppliedKey is included as a header named X-AppSuppliedKey in the webhook http request that you received. This header can be used to verify the request.

It is only possible to create one webhook per grant and triggeringEvent, but each webhook can have multiple destinations if so required.

Delete a webhook

To delete a webhook issue a DELETE request to{triggeringEvent}

For instance: to delete the webhook for the DeliveryNoteCreatedevent.

Data Received

Each of the webhooks are delivery using a HTTP POST request with content-type application/json. The content is formatted and json and is described in the sections below for each webhook. The conversationId is provided for traceability purposes. If you have questions about the webhook you can provide this id when you contact reviso support.

The webhooks contain data that is shared between the different webhooks, and the eventData property that is specific for the different webhooks. The eventData property is always an array, and should be interpreted as such - for instance a customerCreated webhook pertain to multiple customers.


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "deliveryNoteNumber": 123,
            "salesDocumentId": 123,
            "orderDeliveryStatus": 0

orderDeliveryStatus can be one of the following:


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "deliveryNoteNumber": 123,
            "salesDocumentId": 123,
            "orderDeliveryStatus": 1

orderDeliveryStatus can be one of the following:


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteFinalized",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "deliveryNoteNumber": 123,
            "salesDocumentId": 123,
            "orderDeliveryStatus": 2

orderDeliveryStatus can be one of the following:


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "DeliveryNoteDeleted",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "deliveryNoteNumber": 123,
            "salesDocumentId": 123,
            "orderDeliveryStatus": 3    

orderDeliveryStatus can be one of the following:


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "PriceListImported",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product",
            "salesPrice": 120.0
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product-2",
            "salesPrice": 240.0


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "PriceListCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product",
            "salesPrice": 120.0
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product-2",
            "salesPrice": 240.0


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "PriceListUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product",
            "salesPrice": 120.0
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1,
            "productNumber": "some-product-2",
            "salesPrice": 240.0


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "PriceListDeleted",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "priceListName": "gold",
            "priceListNumber": 1


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "CustomerCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "customerNumber": 42,
            "tags": [ "tag-1", "tag-2" ]


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "CustomerUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "customerNumber": 42,
            "tags": [ "tag-1", "tag-2" ]


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProductCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "productNumber": "45",
            "productName": "product name",
            "productGroupNumber": 1,
            "tags": [ "tag-1", "tag-2" ]


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProductUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "productNumber": "45",
            "productName": "product name",
            "productGroupNumber": 1,
            "tags": [ "tag-1", "tag-2" ]


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProductDeleted",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "productNumber": "45",
            "productGroupNumber": 1


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProjectCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "projectNumber": "45"   


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProjectUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "projectNumber": "45"   


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "ProjectDeleted",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "projectNumber": "45"   


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "SalesDocumentCreated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "id": 94,
            "date": "2019-06-26T00:00:00",
            "documentStatus": "order"   

documentStatus can be one of the following: invoice, order, or quotation


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "SalesDocumentUpdated",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "id": 94,
            "date": "2019-06-26T00:00:00",
            "documentStatus": "order"

documentStatus can be one of the following: invoice, order, or quotation


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "SalesDocumentDeleted",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "id": 94,
            "date": "2019-06-26T00:00:00",
            "documentStatus": "order"

documentStatus can be one of the following: invoice, order, or quotation


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "InvoiceBooked",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "id": 94,
            "invoiceNumber": 12,
            "draftInvoiceNumber": 36


    "conversationId": "4a046703-29a1-44b0-a64b-a477e400ca4b",
    "triggeringEvent": "VoucherBooked",
    "agreementNo": 123,
    "appId": 456,
    "eventData": [
            "id": 94